Hey MM,
I posted here in Feb about my low T numbers and my Doctors lack of knowledge. Well, he finally swallowed his pride and referred me to a Urologist, who didn’t hesitate one second to start me on T shots. I just had my fourth one last week and can say that the subtle changes have made a major difference in my life. As I continue to read this thread and how you are starting to feel I would like to offer my two cents, and hope that maybe RickM will chime in here as his experience is greater than mine.We are close in age I think??? I am a little older, just turned 54. Like you I lost my libido, my drive for anything in life, felt weak with no energy and was just a major blob trudging through life. Within 3 days of my first shot I had this boost of energy that has stayed with me and I am now lifting more weight than I have in years and doing more reps with that weight. I just feel better about everything and I am no longer the “grumpy old man” that my son said I had turned into!! The changes have been slow and may take time to get them all back. My libido is still not where I want it to be, but it had hit rock bottom and is starting back from zero.
You had said I think in a post that you would rather not start anything this early in life, but I wonder if you were to get help now before things get to a low point like mine that maybe the recovery time could be quicker? You have lost some of your libido and drive for life, don’t completely let them disappear before you look to get them back as it may take longer like mine. The only thing I regret about getting these shots is that I pissed around with my Doctor and lost time.If I could go back and change one thing it would be that I started about 2 years ago.
I am no expert and you know yourself best, but you have lower Total than mine was and are starting to feel the exact way I started out. My new Doctor is on top of things!! I get a shot every 30 days as well as a prostate exam. They are even getting easier to have especially when he is done and says, ” You have the prostate the size of a teenager”!!!
Well, I feel better and hate to see anyone get they way I was, just want to help in anyway I can!
Open for any questions. Best of luck!!