I’d say that this is his retirement plan. Keep your money, drink more water, kegel for more ejac power. Those are the money shots I like, free. But I don’t necessarily need my spunk flying through the air either.
I was using, l-arginine and lecithin regularly too but I felt that it was money needlessly spent. I haven’t eliminated my use of these because it does work for me. I used to carbo-load before workouts. Hmmm. So recently, I loaded with l-arg and leci beginning the AM before an evening of passion with the Mrs. I was pretty amazed at the output and so was she (I didn’t explain why though, and she didn’t ask).
Only problem with this is you have to be certain you are gonna get some. At least your consumption of pills is not as great and you can save the load for next time if you can hit it within a day.
If you want to spend your money, by some caviar. I read that it is really high in both l-arg and leci. If that’s your thing.
As Jim Morrison said in An American Prayer, “Silvery stream, silvery scream, Oooooh, impossible concentration.” That has stuck with me since hearing it in high school in the early 80’s. Now, I know what he means. As for the rest of his “poems”, well, I am still trying to figure him out.