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Nitrix vs NoX2


Nitrix vs NoX2

Which have you found works better?

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I currently take 3 grams of NoX2 and it works pretty well (superhard erections, plumpier flaccid, etc, etc)

I was just wondering whether Nitrix is a better AAKG product.

Or maybe I should just stick with the NoX2 and maybe increase my daily dosage for even better results?

Any feedback appreciated

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No-one here has tried Nitrix?

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I've taken Nitrix

I used to work out frequently and from my experience the Nitrix was the better product. In fact it was the only product that really gave me that pumped feeling (in my muscles). I was PEing a lot at the time so I didn’t really give it a try. I still have some so I will take it for a week or two and let you know.

I am starting a cycle of Supercharged tomorrow - I will let you know how that turns out.

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

Ok guys, I went ahead and bought a bottle of Nitrix last week from Bulk Nutrition. I got my order delivered to my door in less than 3 days from the US to Malta just next to Italy! That was damn fast!

Nitrix is actually a bit cheaper than NoX2 for the same amount of tablets. Apart from the AAGK, Nitrix contains a different nutrient matrix compared to NoX2. The nutrients that I found interesting are citruline and NADH (very good form of vitamin B3) which in theory should help promote increased NO production. I have always taken about 100mg of vitamin B3 (no-flush niacin) with my arginine because I remember reading somewhere that it enhanced its effect.

I’m currently still taking NoX2 at 3g a day and am pretty pleased with the positive effects it has, although taking more than 3g a day makes me feel weird/sick/nauseated.

I plan on trying Nitrix soon and will keep anyone who’s interested posted.

Thanks for the replies folks

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I hope that no flush niacin is NOT the slow release variety. Studies have shown that slow release can be damaging to, from memory, the liver.

I believe a google search for niacin and liver damage would be helpful. When I take niacin, I chew it up in a mouthful of water and wash it down with another cup or two. I flush like crazy, but that just lets me know it is working.

I am aware of that mcstrate. That’s why the vitamin B3 I take is not timed release and is the safest form of vitamin B3, called inositol hexaniacinate or no-flush niacin. It gives similar results to niacin but without the flush and side effects. It’s also different from niacinamide, which by the way does not improve circulation like niacin and no-flush niacin but could have other benefits

make it happen, make it long, make it happen, make it fat, make it happen, make it hard, make it happen, make it last, make it happen, make it fast, make it happen, make it real, make it happen, make you feel, make it happen, make it happen, make it happen


How did Nitrix work for you? And how do you compare it with NOX2?

kbvk, is that you in your avatar? If so, good job!

I am considering starting with an No2 precursor product but will wait until after I have started with the HGH stack mentioned in the “fountain of youth thread” Glad that we have a current thread on Nitrix vs NoX2 for me to reference.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

iamaru, yes it’s me and I took that snap in Mar 2004.

Unfortunately I’m not able to work out due to my hectic work load at office now. However, somehow I find time to do PE workouts since I have more interest in PE department these days than building my body. I can get back on track with my gym workouts when I get time. Now need to grow my dick desperately.

I have bought NoX3 and planning to start taking it from next month.

Right now I’m on L-A and L-O and I have good results PE-wise with it after loading them up for about 4 weeks.

Waiting for some inputs from the folks who have tried both Nitrix and NoX2.


You have a body that every man would die for. Nice job. I am striving for the look you have right now. I will never attain it though because for some reason I cannot control my diet. One reason is because my wife doesn’t want to so she won’t cook two seperate meals. And second because it is way too expensive to eat right. So I workout 5 days a week, do cardio three days a week, and do the best I can with what I eat.

Just for 411, how long have you been lifting? And how often do you lift?


Interesting thread. kbvk, why does it seem to you that eating healthy is more expensive? I’m just curious, because it seems to me that convenience foods and foods that are highly processed,(ie not good for you) seem to be more expensive. Fortunately for me, the area where I live is largely surrounded by agriculture, so fresh produce is pretty plentiful

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by clgpalmer
kbvk, why does it seem to you that eating healthy is more expensive?

Think you meant to direct that question to RoomToGrow.

kbvk has a very similar looking physique to mine when I am at my happy weight. I am a good 20lbs short of the weight I like to be at right now but am slowly packing it back on.

I post on my Nitrix vs NoX2 choise after I get going on the GH stack.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

RoomToGrow, thanks for you comments.

I lifted weights for 3years from 1996 to 1999 when I was doing my graduation.

I used to work out for 1 hour, 6 days a week. From 2000, I work out like 3 to 6 months and then have breaks like 3 to 4 months. This time it’s been 7 months I lifted in gym and I miss it.

Regarding the supplements, I was introduced to the supplements like L-A, L-O and some herbs when I started researching the Internet to grow my dick.

When I was working out all I ate was just 15 egg whites a day as my proteins and rice based food for energy and a multivitamin capsule.

I knew about whey protein but couldn’t find a good whey protein product in India.

Buying whey online from US is too expensive for the shipment :-(

Joystick, got an update for us?

I will try either NOX3 or more likely Nitrix sometime in the not to distant future but I’m starting the GH stack in about a week and want to be able to tell what effect that is having on me. I am really tempted to combine the GH stack at night with Nitrix durring the day but I really shouldn’t.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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