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Normal Testosterone levels?


Normal Testosterone levels?

Last year, I had my free testosterone levels tested by my doc due to some ED problems. Results came back at about 550 ng/dL; normal levels are between 300 and 1000. At the time, I didn’t know this, and all he told me the week after was that “You are well within the normal range”.

Well, recently I realized I wasn’t. 550 for a 30 year old male that works out and lifts weights regularly isn’t good. AND I was also taking Tribulus at the time, which I didn’t tell my doc. All I can say is wtf.

Since last year, I’ve have ongoing ED problems, lack of libido, fatigue, sleep disorders. I’ve tried to diagnose each one on its own, and figure out the why. Seems all these symptoms point towards low testosterone.

Next month I turn 30; so, I plan on a full scale physical, and in addition, I’m going to request a free and total testosterone test. I’ll be interested to see what the levels are now. Pending the results, I’m willing and eager to try testosterone supplementation.

I’d like to hear from other their experiences, opinions, and ideas about this.

Bottom line, a 30 y/o male shouldn’t feel 60. My new wife has been patient, but I bet she isn’t looking forward to a lifetime of lethargic, sub-standard sex. Test supplementation may be my answer.

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

Canwood I´m going to my doctor tomorrow to ask for a test as I´m only 18 and do some weights but I´ve felt my sex drive drop off badly from when I was 16. I used to need relief four times a day or more, and my erections were rock solid. Now they´re not as good, and I can go weeks without needing sex.

No “wet dreams” either.

If my doctor doesn´t tell me to go away I´ll post my results. I´ve always wondered whether I have low test, but I can sometimes worry myself too much.

Canwood, what do they do to test? Take blood?

I think this is a new issue to our generation. Probably a result of modern day living, but I suspect that many men are below normal for T levels.

I believe that the result of our environment is that many men are less than optimal re: T levels, and that taking control is a good thing.


I too noticed too big a drop in strength and libido. I’m 51 and didn’t like it. Had my free T checked and like yours it was 550 and my Doc told me I was right in the middle of the range. I said I couldn’t lift like I used to and wasn’t as interested in sex as just a few years ago. He says it’s normal and I’m thinking eff this. I started taking 400mg a day of 4-androstenediol about 5 months ago and feel great. My bench is back to my near record, my girl and I hit it at least once a day, sometimes 2 or 3 times, I have what I consider my normal energy level back and I feel much better. My nuts don’t seem to have gotten smaller(my dick sure has gotten bigger!) and I suffer no kind of mood swings. I might add that I’ve always maintained an excellent diet, lots of protein from fish, fresh fruits and veggies, very few if any dead carbs(e.g.pasta) and a glass or 2 a day of some Pinot Noir or a nice young Chianti. I get my yearly physical in Oct. and am most curious to see what my free T level is. I’ve read quite a bit about steroids and wonder if anyone out there thinks this is something I should cycle.


Originally posted by larry29
I too noticed too big a drop in strength and libido. I'm 51 and didn't like it. Had my free T checked and like yours it was 550 and my Doc told me I was right in the middle of the range.

Larry, that must have been a total T count. SHBG (sex hormone
binding globulin, which binds up testosterone and renders it
useless) should also be measured, and actual free testosterone
will be a single or double digit number. Might want to look closer
at your blood test results.

Yes, you should cycle 4-Androstenediol.


You might find these interesting/useful.

The Big T: How your lifestyle influences your Testosterone levels — Part 1 … ody_122big.html

The Big T — Part 2: How your lifestyle influences your testosterone levels … dy_123bigt.html

The Top Ten Testosterone Myths … y_110myths.html

A Comprehensive Look at Lab Tests
http://www.t-ma … les/213how.html

Testosterone Replacement: The hormone you thought you knew, but didn’t … ody_76test.html

The Positive Effects of Testosterone on the Heart … /body_148t.html

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Thanks for the replies, fellas. I’m booking my physical tomorrow, and yes, I feel taking control is the best answer. Replies like “Oh, that’s normal for aging” and “well, your right in the average range” are not something I’ll accept from my doc. I don’t strive to be below average, or normal.

I forgot to add something in my earlier post: Mood Swings. These started well before any of the other side effects; I always had thought this was a side effect of shift work. I’ve always been “well-mooded” I’d guess you could say. I believe this may be the first sign of lower test.

My diet is rock solid, I avoid alcohol like the plague (I remember not too many years ago getting just wasted, and performing like a porn star all night. Now if I have two drinks I’m doing a wet noodle impression. Brutal.)
and I work out religiously. Makes no sense to me, other than low test.

Larry29, your experience is inspirational, thank you. Sounds like you have the energy and lifestyle I want, yet your 20 years my senior. That’s the stuff I like to see.

ICM, they draw blood to test your testosterone levels, and from what I’ve read, “free testosterone” is the important factor; I’m going to ask my doc to also test “bound” testosterone, just out of curiosity.

MX, thanks for the links, I’ll check ‘em out!

Thanks again guys, and lets hear more experiences!!!

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

There is a terrifc Yahoo message board called hypogonadism2 to use as a great reference regarding low testosterone and hormone supplementation. The members of the board can provide you with invaluable information concerning what is “normal” and can tell you of their good and bad experiences.

I had my T checked a couple of years ago and it was around 300 so of course the inexperienced doctor told me I was “normal” without any consideration of my young age of 28.

I think it is a very understudied and undervalued area of men’s health, with so many doctors willing to treat the symptoms like depression, weight gain, etc. without admitting the actual cause may be low T.

The best thing to do is to have your levels tested, and ask your doctor to allow you to try a month to 3 month supply of Androgel or Testim. That will give you enough time to tell if you will benefit from Hormone Replacement Therapy. After 3 months, external testosterone will cause your own production to shut down and you may very well have to stay on T Therapy for life.

As far as 1-AD or 4-AD or any other prohormone, these are steroids that because of a loophole in the chemical definition of exisiting steriods allow them to be sold legally. Yes, they do work by raising testosterone levels, however, like steroids they must be cycled, because if your T is normal, using prohormones runs the risk of stopping your own production if used too long. www bodybuilding com has tons of info about prohormones


Does your girl have a sister? I will be on the first plane out.

HI, I got my levels checked some years ago, and got a score of 14. This was on the European scale, so I’m not sure what this equates to. If I remember correctly the lower normal bound was 10 and the upper normal bound was 30. Anybody know what that would roughly equate to?

Thanks :)

BTW: I’m only 20 - very nearly 21 - never have nocturnal or morning erections, and have poor erection quality. I also have most of the symptons of low T. No Dr. I’ve spoken to seems to give a shit. Perhaps because it’s a crazy notion that somebody of my age should go on a lifelong course of T-replacement. Either way it’s a shit situation… :(


Hmm. I was curious about the negative side effects—-I’d rather NOT have my own natural T shut down. But, A 3 month trial sounds like a good idea to me. Thanks for the reply, Zen.

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

Mine is 15.6 nmol/L (European scale) and I´m doing ok, but I think my erections could do with a boost!

Is it in my head?

Tongkat ali can increase testosterone.

Originally Posted by Canwood

Well, recently I realized I wasn’t. 550 for a 30 year old male that works out and lifts weights regularly isn’t good. AND I was also taking Tribulus at the time, which I didn’t tell my doc. All I can say is wtf.

Since last year, I’ve have ongoing ED problems, lack of libido, fatigue, sleep disorders. I’ve tried to diagnose each one on it’s own, and figure out the why. Seems all these symptoms point towards low testosterone.

Are you serious? You’re T levels are higher than mine and I’m 21. A male has low testosterone if he’s in the 200 range which is where women are I think, or I’m just a punk with little to no testosterone I guess.

Originally Posted by Canwood
Thanks for the replies, fellas. I’m booking my physical tomorrow, and yes, I feel taking control is the best answer. Replies like “Oh, that’s normal for aging” and “well, your right in the average range” are not something I’ll accept from my doc. I don’t strive to be below average, or normal.

Perhaps, its not something you will accept because it is not something you want to hear. If you think your doctor is incompetent then get a second opinion. Don’t become fixated on the answer you want and ignore sound medical advice. There are many many causes for the symptoms you describe.

04: NBP 5.5, EG 5. 08: NBP 7 EG 5.25. Current: NBP 6.5 EG 5.25

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