Thunder's Place

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NOX2 for small guys

NOX2 for small guys

Hi I was wandering since NOX2 widens the arteries in the body, it this a bad thing. I am 22 years old, is it bad for a guys my age to take something like this. Big Girtha said the doasage was 1000mg 3 times a day for weight lifthing. Is this product specificially for weight lifting, or do other people know it ha PE purposes. Big Girtha siad he has a 3 inch flaccid increase from using it and drinking alot of water. I know my penis gets bigger flaccid when I have to pee, from drinking this much water will the increases be permeant with the use of NOX2. Is it necessary for PE, cause What i do now is pump, and I’m trying to find a way to speed up my gains. Big Girtha said I could find it at GNC but the quality wasn’t good, I’m trying to find a place I can buy it from without ordering it, cause I don’t have a credit card, and no privacy to get it sent to the house. If I get some should I take 1000 mg 3 times a day, nig girtha said he took 1000 mg 9 times a day, but he is a big guy. I’m like 5’7 165.

Way: As the your generation hears so often from mine, “do as I say not as I do.” I tend to abuse the supplement. Like I told you in your PM, I’m a large man with a considerably larger blood volume than you. You should stay with the recomended dosage. I don’t think taking too much NOX2 will hurt you other than possibly dehydrating you, but I’m not a doctor and could be wrong. And like I also told you in the PM, Vitamin world. Pinnacle NOX2 90 1000 mg caplets for $24.00 As far as the water consumption, however, I do feel drinking lots of water really helps flaccid hang. I know it does. By super-hydrating the penile tissues you make the penis heavy. A heavy dick hangs bigger than a dehydrated one which shrivels up and retracts inside the fat pad, and you can’t OD on water, however, you may very well wet the bed.

Good luck

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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