Pepcid experiment

I was feeling a little heartburn a couple days ago and took a pepcid (famotidine) before bed. That night I kept waking up with a fat boner. Curious I took it again last night..again fat boners all night with major morning wood. The quality was feeling fatter and fuller than normal. I have been taking a nightly viagra to stimulate these nightly erections but the last two nights with pepcid felt like next level stuff. I actually got a little scared I may have a priapism.

Can someone else try this?

I’ve been reading up on the mechanism of action. It’s a histamine 2 receptor blocker and has been thought to help heart failure and possibly covid through mechanisms not understood yet. Does it cause histamine to build up and that might enhance erections? There are histamine type 1, 2 and 3 receptors in the penis and H2, which pepcid blocks, has been shown to have little to no effect on erections.

I’ll keep trying, curious to hear thoughts on this and if it works, what is the reason.