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Preparing for a date using supplements, and minimizing performance anxiety. Help.

Preparing for a date using supplements, and minimizing performance anxiety. Help.

Hi Everyone.

I figured this might be an important topic, since it may bring up similar thoughts to many others. In the past, I have cared about a girl highly, and than failed on the first attempt. On the other hand, girls I didn’t really care for, I put the best performance on for.

I would like to know any ideas for improving chances of a rock hard boner, and possibly lasting longer. Another idea is to minimize the nervousness or similar feelings involved.

My thinking:
1.Take some Cialis beforehand. I have both liquid, and 10mg tablets. Question, how long to take it beforehand? Will a couple hours be okay? Is it better to eat before, or with it?

2. Have a beer or two. This has always gotten the jitters outta my system, but alcohol at too high of levels, definitely will kill any chance of an erection for me. I know other friends of mine, who have no problem having sex piss drink, but not me by any means. * This could be contradictory though, so id like your opinion on this beer idea.

3.Do a quick run around the block an hour or so, beforehand to get the blood pumping nicely.

Any other suggestions for me, and everyone who encounters similar issues please stop by and comment!


Cialis’ time for being effective is variable. Some guys get results in as little as 30 min, others, like, me, need 7 - 8 hours to get there. Go light on food, esp. fatty foods, although with Cialis food intake is not as critical as with, say, Viagra.

A couple of beers shouldn’t interfere but don’t order more after that.

Foreplay is important. Enjoy it, but don’t overdo it to the point where you begin to worry about the strength of your erection. After a couple of successful sexual events, you’ll be more relaxed and won’t need the Cialis.



Indian God Lotion to last longer.

I’ll say Cialis, even a few hours before, depends on how you react to it, for me it works also 15-20 minutes after and lasts long, very long, I’ll say also 4-5 days.

I don’t see the need for beer or running, if it would work the run then marathon buys will fuck like rabbits :-)


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