Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pro Solution Pills

Ranked #1 by who?

Be very wary of enlargement pills and their claims. I have tried them and many others here with no success. Also I have heard (read) several people complain about the money back guarantee, not getting the money back and then who are you going to complain to about your small penis not getting bigger?

I think these companies are preying on insecure people who will not be able to complain to any authorities when the product doesn’t “produce”


If you want better blood flow, exercise. Unlike FDA approved medication, most of the ingrediants in these “penis pills” are just thought to have benefits, not proven. If you really think about it, the physiology of PE, do you really think a pill can make your penis longer? I sure don’t.

One foot to go

The pills can’t make your penis longer by themselves, but I have gotten good results using the pills in conjunction with PE exercises (much more than I did without the pills). I think it works this way by putting more blood in, therefore keeping your penis in more of an extended state while it heals. It may work differently, but I do know that they have really boosted my gains. I take VP-RX by the way.


My signature is cooler than yours.

Yeah Prosolution pills are #1, until you go to another site and find out that Viacyn is really #1, until you go somewhere else and find out that VPX is #1. Too bad you already spent $200 on the pro solution pills when you could have spent $180 on MagnaRX and so on and so on and so forth.

If you want cheap pills zytodyne is like $15 a month and claims to have more of the same ingredients than any of the aforementioned. I unfortunately bought Viacyn, maybe it works a little bit, but not without exercises other than to increase your flaccid length throughout the day. You need to exercise to put the extreme stresses needed to stretch the tunica. I sent back my Viacyn about 12 weeks ago hopefully Ill get my refund soon.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

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