I came across this thread while looking into Viagra. I think I decided I am going to order some tadalafil powder from ENP since everyone has been praising it so strongly. This is for recreation. I’m 22 and will maybe take it once a week or every 2 weeks only, and a low dose (10mg?) So based on that, a couple questions:
1. Do I have to refrigerate the suspension? I live with people and have to be discrete.
2. Will it last longer in powder than in liquid?
3. How do I make a ginseng tincture (saw this suggested somewhere in thread)?
4. Webslave - this is your thread basically so let me know what I can do to get you credit for the new customer referral, if you are interested in that, that is.
Also, your website seems to be down right now, so sorry if it comes back up in an hour and all these questions are answered on there.