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Rozerem - Sleep Disorders

Rozerem - Sleep Disorders

Has anyone come across cheap Rozerem on the net? My doctor gave me some samples and the stuff seems to work great. The only downfall is the best price I can find is about $3.00 a pill.

If you suffer from insomnia I would highly recommend trying it.

This could be what I’ve been waiting for for 10 years. Very interesting. That it can be prescribed for long term use is very exciting, very, very exciting. The only other thing that concerns me is the effect it might have on cognitive function. Benzos and antidepressants, which I’ve used in the past for my sleep problems, tend to significantly impair my reasoning skills.

I’d pay $15 a day - the max that my current budget would allow - for a guaranteed good night’s rest. Thanks for bringing this to our attention “AMember.” Have you tried Ambien?

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Originally Posted by A Member
Has anyone come across cheap Rozerem on the net? My doctor gave me some samples and the stuff seems to work great. The only downfall is the best price I can find is about $3.00 a pill.

If you suffer from insomnia I would highly recommend trying it.

Have you tried Lunesta? If so how does Rozerem compare to it? I’ve been taking Lunesta for about 6 months or so and it works pretty good. Takes me about an hour to an hour and a half to fall asleep after taking it. If Rozerem works as good or better than Lunesta, I might want to give it a try for long term use.

Originally Posted by huff
This could be what I’ve been waiting for for 10 years. Very interesting. That it can be prescribed for long term use is very exciting, very, very exciting. The only other thing that concerns me is the effect it might have on cognitive function. Benzos and antidepressants, which I’ve used in the past for my sleep problems, tend to significantly impair my reasoning skills.

I’d pay $15 a day - the max that my current budget would allow - for a guaranteed good night’s rest. Thanks for bringing this to our attention “AMember.” Have you tried Ambien?

No problem. How to get the GBL through the customs is on you though.

Fuck. We don’t get Rozerem up here in Canada. Does anyone know how to obtain drugs from America that are not commercially available here?

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"Rozerem is not a controlled substance. A clinical abuse liability study showed no differences indicative of abuse potential between Rozerem and placebo at doses up to 20 times the recommended dose"

Sounds like the old the old heroin ads.

http://www.roze …

I must have this drug. Those who take sleep for granted can never understand. I will do anything to get my hands on it.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

If you really have troubles sleeping, Rozerem will not help. I spent lots of night awake on Rozerem. Try Lunesta or Lorazepam. Rozerem takes about a week to work properly it’s a melatonin regulator and it doesn’t create dependence.

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
If you really have troubles sleeping, Rozerem will not help. I spent lots of night awake on Rozerem. Try Lunesta or Lorazepam. Rozerem takes about a week to work properly it’s a melatonin regulator and it doesn’t create dependence.

Lunesta, or it’s Canadian brand, Imovane only worked for 2 weeks and it left me feeling extremely groggy the next day.

Haven’t tried Lorazepam.

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I have had a sleep disorder for as long as I can remember (5 or 6 years old).

Huff - I have tried Ambien and it worked great (except for the “groggy hangover” feeling) for a while, but they claimed it was non addictive (and it is addictive, try falling asleep without it after you have taken it for a couple months) and you can develop a tolerance to it. Also, I personally like to unwind at night with a couple beers or whatever, and if you drink while on Ambien you get looped on just a couple drinks. I had been prescribed Prozac (for sleep) in the past because my doctor felt there must be a chemical imbalance in my brain that is sleep related, and he felt the Prozac could balance what ever was out of whack, the only problem is, if you read what the possible side effects for Prozac, insomnia is on the list….so guess which side effect I reacted to, I was up for almost 3 days with no sleep. Then the doctor wanted to try Zoloft, yeah, same effect but everything was more colorfull to me and I was “spacey” and couldn’t work. So I know what you are saying about anti-depressants. Yes, I think they do sell it in Canada and it is cheaper than in the states but it is still about $2.80 plus shipping for an 8mg tab.

Formula1 - I have tried Lunesta. I reacted with a side effect that wasn’t even listed. It worked but gave me acid reflux and I have never gotten that before in my life. If I’m not mistaken, Lunesta is a drug that was created because the patent was running out on Ambien. I think it is just a time release form of Ambien. I could be wrong, but in any case, I think you can develop a tolerance to it.

FoxMarrine said “If you really have troubles sleeping, Rozerem will not help. I spent lots of night awake on Rozerem. Try Lunesta or Lorazepam. Rozerem takes about a week to work properly it’s a melatonin regulator and it doesn’t create dependence.”

The authority has spoken. jk I have had failed clinical help for many years. Look, people are different. Some people do have chemical imbalances that may cause insomnia and this may or may not be the drug for you. I think some people just have over active imaginations or whatever and can’t turn off their brains to get to sleep. Maybe it’s because of a messed up internal clock or whatever, maybe not. For as long as I can remember I would just lay in bed and think of everything going on in my life, or just sit and come up with ideas, etc. I couldn’t lay there not thinking, I would be constantly thinking. I sometimes wouldn’t fall asleep until 5-8 am, sleep for a couple hours, then wake up, and as soon as the sun came out I would sleep like a rock. It was like when there was dead silence and darkness my brain though it was time to get to work. The Rozerem seems to let me turn my brain off and fall asleep. Now I can sleep, and when I wake up I’m ready to go, no groggy drug hangover.

Yeah, Rozerem is not a controlled substance but they are controlling it by making it prescription only and gouging the fuck out of us at $3 a hit.

I’m sure all the insomniacs have heard this before but, I cut caffein and all known stimulants out of my diet and it also seemed to help. I have done that for the past couple years.

Interesting that you had a groggy hangover with Ambien as the absence of this side effect is its claim to fame. It’s not supposed to stay in the system long - it has a short half life - but everyone’s biochemistry is different. I once took a Remeron pill and was quite literally immobilized for 3 days. It was an incredibly interesting experience.

Sonata(Zaleplon) has a very short half life as well. Maybe I’ll give this a try if Ambien doesn’t work.

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