Originally Posted by Jimmyslimunit
Should I even consider pumping peyglated MGF growth factor in my unit for new cell growth. I am a little crazy about this enlargement process, obviously because I am considering putting a needle in my shaft,eeeeeeekkkkkk. I am desperate and willing to be a guinea pig if the majority thinks it would be safe. Maybe I should see a shrink.
Jimmy, some additional thoughts on this. If you are willing to do this if the majority thinks it would be safe, save yourself the time and go to Plan B now.
First, I’m predicting that the majority would not be willing to stick a needle in their dick multiple times if there were alternatives. There are safe and effective alternatives.
Second, I’m guessing that the number of people actually qualified to comment on this represent less than a majority of users. And of that small number, you’re going to have a variety of opinions.
So, I don’t think you’re going to get the clear-cut majority endorsement that you seem to be looking for. What’s your Plan B (besides seeing the shrink :) )?