Old topic. Many have gone further to use steroidal dermal creams, which would theoretically be much more localized in results. I’ve yet to see ANYONE post gains. Many have argued it won’t help since the androgen receptors that dictated growth are now dormant, also if you look at puberty gains, the greatest gains were about 1 inch in a year.
xamaranthx Steroids will make testes smaller but not the penis unless it causes prostate enlargement. The surgery to correct prostate cancer definately will reduce your size.
BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database
NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp
Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised