Hey guys, got to throw my 2 cents in here. I was actually thinking of posting a thread regarding SSRI’s and their effect on libido but this is more in line with what I want to discuss.
Little background and some insights I have.
Three years ago I made a mess of myself. I was in a nasty divorce, had business problems and my girlfriend was giving me shit and starting to drift. More about my little girlfriend freak later. I was having some serious anxiety issues. Prior to this I was generally physically healthy late 40’s.
So I go to my doctor and explain the circumstances. He prescribes me Lexapro 10mg (Escitalopram). I took that for close to a year every day. It did seem to give me some clarity back to my life. Remarkably the greatest joy and benefit I received was it’s ability to control my premature ejaculation. I had always been a quick comer, sometime sooner than others. I had tried to control it over the years with various supplements and creams etc. But the Lexapro became the remedy. I could last as long as I wanted! Combined with a dose of Viagra or C and I was a fucking stallion! The girlfriend was actually mad that I never came! It was heaven.
First part of this year I go back to the doctor because the prescription has to be followed up every year. We discuss the Lexapro. It was slightly costly and so we decide to switch me to Citalopram 20mg (Celexa). It didn’t seem to make too much difference on the anti-depression-anxiety side. But I didn’t seem to have the same control ejaculation wise. Just couldn’t control it like the Lexapro.
In August I decided to take a break from the SSRI stuff. My life was back in order, I don’t like being dependant on any form of prescribed drugs, I was hitting the gym 5 days a week, and life was back in shape. So I used up my last Celexa and purchased no more. I had heard of this via the web but then I experienced it firsthand.
Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome - Wikipedia
It wasn’t too bad but it was noticeable. It took about 3-4 weeks before I felt ‘normal’ again. I believe my dedication to the gym, weight lifting, healthy eating, and lots of good supplements helped control the effects of the brain zaps.
Results. Premature ejaculation is back again. Anxiety/depression has not returned.
Sidenote. I see some Viagra shippers now have a combination of Viagra and Dapoxetine which is a proven premature ejaculation control substance. It’s mentioned several times here in Thunders. FDA testing is in Phase 3 and who knows when the FDA honchos will use up all their free samples before they approve it! I see some online sites that sell it but not sure of locations and strengths. I may have to give it a try. I really don’t want to get back into the SSRI arena.
OK, back to the original post and thread here by kfarrelldba . I want to address several posts regarding the appeared effects seen on friends, girlfriends, etc. That are on some form of prescribed antidepressant, antianxiety medication. I too have seen this.
Examples 1 & 2
I have been with two women in the past year. Both have been long term, 2 plus years, users of Zoloft and/or Paxil. I first noticed an unusual behavior with woman #1 before I found out she was on antidepressants. She had a continuous habit of licking her lips. The tip of her tongue would protrude from her lips regularly, ever so slightly, almost as a nervous tick. Of course once you start noticing it you see it all the time! I said nothing but did some online research which indicated that this is called a tardive dyskenesia . Which is associated with long term usage of antidepressants.
Tardive dyskinesia - Wikipedia
I then asked her if she was on some form of antidepressants? Yes, Zoloft.
I have since seen the exact same effect (flicking tongue) from another female friend who again has been involved with Zoloft for many years. Woman 1 seems to have no difficulties in daily life. Woman 2 is still dealing with depressive mood swings, irritability, memory difficulties, etc.
Next up. Girlfriend the freak
I have been on again and off again with the freak for 2 years. She is a definite freak in the sheets and a lady on the streets. No one knows how crazy she gets except me.
But… there was a darker side to her that I did not see at first. After being with her for about 6 months of happy sexual bliss I started noticing things I at first missed. She had a tendency to get into some deep depressive moments every now and then. She had been divorced from her husband for about 4 years. She had children that were hard to handle and thus at some point before I showed up she was proscribed Lexapro.
Half way thru our 6 month good time her physician changed her prescription to Clomazapam
Clonazepam - Wikipedia
She was having difficulties sleeping, had restless legs at night, etc. It seemed almost overnight she started acting differently. Within 2 months she drifted away, cheated on me and we broke up. I was pretty shocked actually because we were so good together. Several times I actually sat her down and tried to have a deep heart to heart talk with her. It was like talking to a mannequin!! It was like she wasn’t even there, staring blankly at me with no emotions. Absolutely not the same woman I had feelings for. On two separate occasions we’ve gotten back together for a couple months only for her to make an unexpected break from our relationship, go into a deep depressive spell for weeks and drift away again. I am positively convinced it’s the Clomazapam. My goal now is to get her off of them in some way shape or form. Whether we get back together or not is moot.
There’s no doubt in my mind these drugs ‘CAN’ be very dangerous to some people. I am no doctor but I have seen and experienced the results.
Some are good, some are bad. Use at your own risk.