If you have HSV-1 and still want to try, L-A is better than AAKG.
AAKG stays in your system for hours where as L-A stays for about 3 hours.
When I use L-A I take it in the early morning and in the evening atleast 45 minutes before eating anything.
I get a cold sore from supplementing L-A for a few weeks depending on the dosage.
1 or 2 grams of L-A in the morning, 500mg to 1000mg of L-Lysine in the noon 45 minutes before lunch and 1 or 2 grams of L-A in the evening seem to reduce the chances of catching a cold sore or atleast delay it.
With proper cycling of this protocol, I have been able to fight HSV-1 (if one or two cold sore means HSV-1).
Hope this helps.