Here to tell you I have tried Vinpocetine and other so called memory improvement herbs with no effect.
I would recommend if you have insurance discussing your memory loss with your MD. If they dont take you seriously, see another doctor. Get your B-vitamin levels checked. Some people have thyroid problems and cannot absorb B-vitamins normally. This can have a huge effect on memory.
Also watch your diet! Do yourself a favor if your really worried about your memory check into a low Glycemic diet. Go for complex carbohydrates. Although I have found this incredibly tough because its costly, you will most likely have to shop at a health food store exclusively like whole foods.
Their is a lot of crap in everyday food that can according to research kill brain cells. Examples are MSG which is rebranded or renamed as maltodextrin and other incarnations. These can be found in common everyday foods such as Dorritos, soups, pasta sauce, etc, etc. Do a search on this if your really interested.
Honestly though I have not seen much of a difference from following such a diet. I have also noted incredibly intellegent people who eat junk food at every meal!
But it may be worth a try.
The doctor might be able to subscribe Aricept which has been shown to greatly help Alzheimers patience and is now being perscribed for healthy adults suffering from memory problems. I am going to try this once I am able to get health insurance again.
Hope this helps.