Some of the main symptoms that [may] arise when overdosing or taking high dosage amounts of L-Arginine are:
- Skin thickening
- Coarsing of the skin
- Nausea
- Weakness
- Diarrhea (bet you can’t wait for this one)
- Increased activity of some viruses
Again, the afforementioned side-effects are directly linked as known possible side-effects when taking in high dosages of L-Arginine (high dosages obviously meaning notably higher than what is recommended…. 30g of L-Arginine/day and you’re just asking to be on the sh*tter, nauseous, wondering why the f*ck you suddenly feel weak [the Arginine knocked the sh*t out of you.. literally]).
I think mgus has some ground to stand on. I think it was pretty ignorant of the people to only test it on smokers. Whether it previously has been found that there isn’t any difference when testing for side-effects with smokers or not, I think they should’ve had a control group of non-smokers as well… just for the sake of completeness if not for anything else. If there was a study done on ‘Air-toxins in our bodies and how we’re all endangered’, and the only people they performed the study on were people living in Los Angeles, CA* (United States).. why the [expletive] would they expect somebody living in Denver, CO (United States) to believe that they too have the same chance of developing the negative effects found in the study as somebody living in Los Angeles?
*Los Angeles has the worst air in the United States and continues be the top/amongst the top-ranked cities in the US for dirty air (“top-ranked”… don't think you'd want to be atop this one)
Also, like Mr. Fantastic is trying to say: realize that he’s just basically relaying this information to us so that we can come up with our own conclusion(s) on how we decide to go about taking supplements. He’s not saying (or at least I believe) that what he says holds more merit than anybody else’s word.. he’s just relaying the message. What we take out of the message is on us.
Somebody said something about maybe you cannot take in too much calcium. I think there was actually somebody on here that took in too much calcium, and he had experienced one of the possible side-effects of overdosing on calcium (the ‘danger-zone’ for Calcium is 3-4x the daily recommended intake).
The known side-effects that I know of for Calcium are:
- Headache (if I remember right, this was the one the member on here said he’d experienced)
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Increased thirst
- Dry Mouth
- Loss of appetite
- Constipation
- Depression
- Having a metallic-like taste in your mouth
You don’t have to agree with the study, just as you don’t have to disagree with it. It is what you make of it. Remember, you can take in too much of anything - even water - so this concept of you-can-take-in-too-much isn’t exactly new - it just highlights it. This documentary highlighted Vitamin A’s possible side-effects, whereas I’m sure there’s probably another one out there that says if you sh*t 3x times a day you’re 75% more likely to have lower blood pressure.
Personally I think you should be fine if you decide to supplement with a multi-vitamin/mineral complex. You just have to bare in mind that, like with pretty much anything, you CAN take in too much of a “good thing”. All it requires is being aware of what you’re taking in. If you go over every once in a while, well that’s alright, just make sure you’re not overdoing it every day.