Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Supplements Question and Opinions Ginkgo, Ginseng, B-Complex, L-Arginine

Supplements Question and Opinions Ginkgo, Ginseng, B-Complex, L-Arginine

I’ve been doing some research into what vitamins and supplements may help with PE. This post is meant to be informative but I also have some questions towards the end.
If you know all this perhaps just skip to the questions at the end.

I’ve found four supplements that seem to really hit the nail on the head.
As the titles says they are ginkgo biloba, ginseng (particularly Korean), L-arginine and a B-complex.
A fifth one which I believe is pretty damn good is Pycnogenol.

Size benefits
The four main ones are effectively a light form of viagra but for the whole body. They all help increase blood flow by decreasing blood clots, dilating vessels and other methods.

They also help increase NO within the body which has been implicated in better and longer erections. Unlike viagra this combination lets you stay in control and will not give you a raging boner while your waiting in line to get a coffee in the morning.
These effects are perfect for PE. Many complain that intense sessions of PE (particularly jelqing at night) often lowers their EQ the next day. These supplements will obviously help with these problems.
Increased circulation is also very relevant to the size of your erection (not your penis). An article I read on the web talks about how smokers can reduce their erection size by up to a centimeter due to the inhibiting effects smoking has on blood circulation. Also it is fairly obviously that increased blood flow = increased erection size, particularly (as evidence supports) in girth.

Reduced Injury
Your veins often take a real beating during PE. Doing a quick search on thrombosed veins proves this. A thrombosed vein is just a clotted vessel, something which these supplements reduce.
These supplements also helps increase the level of oxygen in the blood. If any one has experienced spider veins or growth of new vessels along the penis, this is usually from the bodies natural mechanism to provide more nutrients, particularly oxygen to blood starved areas. This process can happen very quickly. During certain types heart attacks the body will grow new vessels to attempt to re-route blood around the affected area of the heart almost instantaneously. If your like me, my cocks original veins have increased fairly dramatically in size and are now joined by a new network of veins (or old ones that have grown). By increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood I believe this effect will be reduced.

Red dots are a very common side effect of PE’ing as are their less common but more serious red or purplish patches. Personally I have a re-occurring red patch where a veins wall has been damaged, and blood leaks out into the skin after I do more intense exercises such as jelq squeezes. This patch clears up after a few hours but returns almost every time I do an intense work out. Pycnogenol is that miracle supplement found in red whine which is widely publicised to increase overall longevity and decrease your risk of heart attack. It has been shown to very effectivly strengthening both vessel walls (veins and arteries) and capillaries. Increasing the strength of these will reduce if not eliminate you chance of red dots and other vessel damage. All PE’ing does this but it takes time, which is why we start with the newbie routine. These supplements could allow PE’ers to handle larger loads of pressure and earlier on in their PE’ing careers.

These supplements are considered safe to the general public. As with all supplement of any sort you should double check that they’re safe for you. Some pre-existing conditions can be affected by these supplements and sometimes these effects can be serious, so make sure you do a bit of research and ask your pharmacist (I sound like those annoying ad’s on TV, but seriously double check).
These supplements taken together can also be considered to be taken safe. I did some research and the product Arginmax is essentially these 4 supplements plus a few other vitamins.

The questions I have really are has any one tried any of this? I know, almost to a factual extent that it will helps with erectile dysfunction. I also read a post on TP about someone who tried viagra and said his girth had increased massively and the rest of the evidence points to a most likely increase in size or at least the effectiveness of PE. The injuries side, it’s obviously not going to eliminate injuries but surely it will help prevent them.

Also could the extra repairing effects these supplements have reduce gains? I once heard that vitamin C can reduce gains as it repairs the damage too quickly. Which unless your doing all day hanging sounds kinda of counter-intuitive. If repairing is bad, why rest?

Any comments on this including the factual relevancy of any thing I’ve said would be great. Also any other supplements people have tried which have helped them would be great as I could not really find any newbie primer to supplements.


Woops I just realized I was a bit of a retard and there’s a supplement section. Sorry about the hassle of moving it. Maybe leave it as a supplement primer for newbies considering there’s so much info in there?

LOL.It happens,still good stuff to no.Thanks

5/27/09 start>>> BP Length 5.5 NBP 5 Girth 5.5

7/16/09>>> BP Length 6 NBP 5.5 Girth 5.5.

Thank you PE and Thunders.

Ginkgo is largely useless in terms of sexual effects, double and triple-blinded studies showed no effect beyond placebo. I’m a big believer in _korean_ ginseng (it’s important that distinction is made, siberian ginseng is something completely different), and it has a proven track record.

L-arginine I’m still not completely sure about, I’m aware it’s great for erections but it also seems to release prolactin, which is definitely not a good thing.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

Originally Posted by aussie644
The questions I have really are has any one tried any of this? I know, almost to a factual extent that it will helps with erectile dysfunction. I also read a post on TP about someone who tried viagra and said his girth had increased massively and the rest of the evidence points to a most likely increase in size or at least the effectiveness of PE.

If you want to try this out for yourself, pick up some Horny Goat Weed with a standardized Icariin extract. I sometimes do clamping sessions after taking 1g of Icariin (5g of HGW, since my extract is 20% standardized) and the level of expansion is definitely increased. Icariin is a PDE-5 inhibitor though, has an identical effect to viagra/cialis/levitra.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

I’m with RDopa on Ginkgo. I found it at best useless except for possibly giving me headaches. Arginine proved useless to me as well.Now HGW did have some effect.As RDopa wrote,it is a PDE-5 inhibitor. A much weaker one than Viagra but it may be enough for those that have no issues or minor issues. I noticed harder and easier to maintain erections. I’m pushing 40 and I’m not 18 anymore. Some days I’m awesome.Other days less so.Not currently taking anything but HGW worked for me.

That’s odd. After just a week of these (except the ginkgo) my erections are off the scale. I’ve never had a problem but my EQ did go from a 9 to a 7 when I started PE’ing and now it’s up to whatever after ten. Also for the record it fixed my soft glans problem where my glans would be soft no matter how hard my shaft was and also my thrombosed vein is getting better.

This HGW stuff sounds kind of fun. I checked my local pharmacy and they don’t have it. Am I looking at in the right place or should I go to a sex store or something like that.

Also I heard you need to cycle L-Arginine?

Starting: NBPEL: 5.75" EG: 4.75" (widest point)

3.5 Months: NBPEL: 6.175" EG: 4.75"

Goal: Goliath

Originally Posted by aussie644

Also I heard you need to cycle L-Arginine?

Yeah. It’s a good idea doing cycles for L-Arginine to avoid your pituitary gland from getting numb because L-Arginine is known to increase hgh production.

Anyway, I’ve tried taking L-Arginine last month and I stopped it immediately because my cum turned yellowish not to mention I’ve got no additional benefits from it. It returned to white thereafter. I’m not sure if it was Arginine that caused it.

Do you know what a good cycle period would be? I was thinking about finishing the container which would be about 2 and a half weeks and then having 2 weeks off

Starting: NBPEL: 5.75" EG: 4.75" (widest point)

3.5 Months: NBPEL: 6.175" EG: 4.75"

Goal: Goliath

Originally Posted by aussie644

Do you know what a good cycle period would be? I was thinking about finishing the container which would be about 2 and a half weeks and then having 2 weeks off

Yeah. I’ve read before that two weeks ON and two weeks OFF is the best cycle when taking L-Arginine.

Originally Posted by aussie644
This HGW stuff sounds kind of fun. I checked my local pharmacy and they don’t have it. Am I looking at in the right place or should I go to a sex store or something like that.

You’d usually find it at a herbal supplement or bodybuilding place, I’m not sure what the situation is like in Australia though. You’ll probably have better luck with online stores than physical ones.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

Well some people report good results from arginine and some also report the same from ginkgo usage. Neither did anything for me but empty my wallet.I used different brands.All from good companies.Tried different dosages.Again,I did not respond to either.

I think like often annoyingly everything in life it is different for each person.

Thanks Dopa. I’m actually in the states at the moment but on a little island so I’ll wait till I get back to a city

Starting: NBPEL: 5.75" EG: 4.75" (widest point)

3.5 Months: NBPEL: 6.175" EG: 4.75"

Goal: Goliath

I’m going to find a vitamin with every thing in it, that way I don’t have to guess what will work and won’t.

5/27/09 start>>> BP Length 5.5 NBP 5 Girth 5.5

7/16/09>>> BP Length 6 NBP 5.5 Girth 5.5.

Thank you PE and Thunders.


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