Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Supplements used and Experiences

Supplements used and Experiences

Hello here is a list of the supplements I’ve used over the years
Including their “intended” use and “results”.

The usage of these supplements where starting from
1995 to Present

From the beginning

Muscle Building supplements

1. Various forms of old Creatine and new Creatine that
Supposedly don’t cause water retention like BSN’s Cell Mass.

Results: Maybe a little bit of strength gain (placebo I think)
Mostly water retention despite drinking lot’s of water.

2. Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin or known as “The ECA Stack”

Results: I tried this a few times over in the mid-late 90’s before
I found out about my Thyroid condition. The doctor believes I
Already had Hypothyroidism and these supplements sent it to

This stack was supposed to get you “ripped” and burn body fat.
I think all it did was dehydrate me despite drinking tons of water
And eating well.

I also LOST a lot of muscle and had the jitters all the time including
Some palpitations. I haven’t touched that stuff since, luckily from
Blood work over the years, I never suffered any health effects.

3. Various fat burners that included Ma Huang (ephedrine), caffeine
Etc.. Such as the old Hydroxicut, Ripped Fuel etc..

Same results as the ECA stack. I also used these in the mid-late 90’s

4. Late 90’s early 2000’s I tried a few stacks of the famous Pro-Hormones
Like 1-AD/6-OXO, Androstenedione, 19-Norandrostienedione, and the “OLD
SCHOOL” supplements with Liver Protecting supplements.

Results: Did they build a ton of muscle with proper training and good diet?

Maybe a tiny bit, all I got was a lot of acne (yes I did use them properly).

It’s also possible due to my unstable thyroid condition, they didn’t work
As well as they could have.

5. Tons of various blends of Whey Protein and Cassein Protein powders.

Results: Bloating/big belly, gas, acne, constipation didn’t matter what
Brand I used. I’ve given up on regular usage of protein powders.

I.E. I might buy a drink once in awhile, but you’ll never catch me buying
Any of it in bulk, not even 2lbs. I eat food instead.

6. After my body transformation almost four years ago losing about 70lbs
And a ton of over all inches, my body weight went down to around 180lbs.

I did a few cycles of LG Sciences old version of Methyl 1-D with the old
Formadrol XT and VPX’s Syngex II Pro-Hormones with a liver protecting
Supplement and PCT to gain some muscle back that I lost.

Results: I did notice while on the Formadrol XT that women started paying
A lot more attention to me. I also ran Formadrol XT as a standalone.

I definitely gained about 5-10lbs of solid muscle back but it could very well
Have been a placebo effect (I think it was this).

7. I currently run the new version of Formadrol XT as I feel it helps balance
Out everything due to the thyroid problems I have had.

I have been on it for months as I tried to stop it before and found that I
Was feeling more feminine than usual without it.

Then again, it could be A. I didn’t taper off it or B. Placebo effect

Supplements used for Penis & Men’s Health

1. L-Arginine (many different brands)

Results: Cold extremedies, problems getting erections and lowered blood pressure

2. AKG2

Results: same as above

3. Yohimbine and Yohimbine HCL

Results: Did feel flushed and warm all over however the spontaneous erections
I experienced were probably due to placebo as I heard it takes several days to
A week or more before it starts “working”

I stopped taking it due to palpitations and insomnia as I didn’t think it was worth

4. Gingko Biloba

Results: Did absolutely nothing for me so I didn’t want to waste my money

5. Saw Palmetto

Results: probably the best male health supplement out there. I take 500mg’s
A day and feel very good over all. It stimulates the testes, I have strong urine
Flow, and have good erections.

NOOOO joke, the very first two days I start taking it after taking a break, women
Of all ages and looks start to pay more attention to me??

They even say there’s “SOMETHING” different about you. Then they’ll start flirting
With me, even married one’s. They’ll try to find a way to touch me etc..

Even my fiance has told me the same thing a few times since we’ve been together
That I have stopped and started taking it again. I noticed since I started taking it
Again a couple of months ago, she can’t keep her hands off me (not that there
Was a problem before).

6. Zinc

Results: Lot’s of water retention, bloating, gas and no increased ejaculation volume

7. Zinc Citrate

Results: Much better than Zinc why?? Who knows, it works better for me. The first month
I was on it, I lost a ton of water weight after having been off the old Zinc.

8. Omega-3

Results: I take the kids dosage as I find all the “adult” sizes are way to high
Of Omega-3, EPA and DHA.

You’re only supposed to get around 500mg’s a day of Omega-3. When I was on the
Adult dosages of different brands, I eventually had trouble sleeping, lot’s of sweats
And anxiety.

Kids dosage is much better

9. Liquid Flax seed Oil

Results: thought it was helping until I recently read that can interfere with
The thyroid gland so I have stopped taking it.

So my point,

The three best male supplements out there are
A good multi-vitamin that you don’t feel sick on (I have to buy
A special one in a capsule as regular ones make me feel hyper and sweaty

Zinc or Zinc Citrate

And a good Saw Palmetto.

My other point is having a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly,
Being in good health and treating your body well are much better.

My last point is that we all see results with the “PLACEBO” effect.

This means that the brain is very powerful.

Best wishes to all :)

I couldn’t help noticing 27 views and no replies??

Has anyone else used these supplements as well?

I know that many here have used L-Arginine, Yohimbine, Gingko Biloba,
And Saw Palmetto.

I was wondering if anyone else has used any of the other supplements
That I mentioned and what their experiences were?

Yes. I myself have used a few supplements over the last few years. Nothing to crazy.

Since the start of 2008 I’ve used almost every product from controlled labs except some of their newer products. I’ve tried everything made from universal nutrition which is by far my favorite supplement company. I’ve tried get diesel products and had some gains with his ether, but I didn’t gain as much mass as when I was on an MCC.

I have always been a natural gainer going from 161lbs to 197lbs in a year and a half without any use of a ds/ph/aas. I am moving on as I am able to get up to 214lbs naturally, but at around 16% bodyfat which is where I’m at now. I have a couple bottle of Titan (rebagded superdrol) which I am wanting to start, but I don’t have my pct down. To my understanding superdrol does not aromatize so I need a pct that does not supress estrogen, but that will kick start my natty test when I’m shut down. Not sure on what route to take as far as pct. I don’t want to take an AI and then on week 10 start getting gyno because of estrogen receptor “re-up”.

That’s pretty much by experience with supplements.

Originally Posted by nrvous1
Yes. I myself have used a few supplements over the last few years. Nothing to crazy.

Since the start of 2008 I’ve used almost every product from controlled labs except some of their newer products. I’ve tried everything made from universal nutrition which is by far my favorite supplement company. I’ve tried get diesel products and had some gains with his ether, but I didn’t gain as much mass as when I was on an MCC.

I have always been a natural gainer going from 161lbs to 197lbs in a year and a half without any use of a ds/ph/aas. I am moving on as I am able to get up to 214lbs naturally, but at around 16% bodyfat which is where I’m at now. I have a couple bottle of Titan (rebagded superdrol) which I am wanting to start, but I don’t have my pct down. To my understanding superdrol does not aromatize so I need a pct that does not supress estrogen, but that will kick start my natty test when I’m shut down. Not sure on what route to take as far as pct. I don’t want to take an AI and then on week 10 start getting gyno because of estrogen receptor “re-up”.

That’s pretty much by experience with supplements.


I’m much like you now that my thyroid is under control. When I was hyperthyroid I shrunk from
Around 190lbs to about 175lbs but did not have much muscle.

I am now around 225lbs with just a bit of skin and fat around the waistline.

I’ve started doing Winsor Pilates (don’t laugh lol) but it bloody works!! It’s only been 3 weeks
And my waist is tightening up nicely at around 33”.

It’s a total body workout, I hardly lift heavy now and I haven’t lost any size.

As for supps, I was thinking about Superdrol awhile ago as everyone on various workout forums
Raves about it.

I did some research and found some people feel it’s harsh on the liver.

But, you are right about the aromataze factor. From what I’ve read, people still take
A PCT like Nolvadex.

And even Clomid to re-start your natural test production.

Simply put, I’ve spent hundreds maybe thousands of dollars over the past 15 years
On stuff that didn’t work.

I’ve also done my research on the AAS route and from what I’ve learned, it’s more
Trouble than it’s worth.

I do think there are some supplements that each person has to find that works for

What works for one person, may not work at all or cause harm for someone else.

I wish there were hormonal supp or AAS with no side effects what so ever LOL
Both short and long term.

Originally Posted by slowlygrowing7

I wish there were hormonal supp or AAS with no side effects what so ever LOL
Both short and long term.

Look into a SARM like S4. From what I’ve read it almost mimics IGF-1 but with absolutely no sides. Its very pricey though and I think there are very few chem labs offering a quality SARM.

Nice detailed information on your experiences. I take AAKG in powder form and it has definitely increased semen volume.

I can’t say I noticed much of anything from Saw Palmetto.

I plan on giving Yohimbe or Horny Goat Weed a try in th near future.

I have never taken supplements in all my years of PE’ing (or before PE for that matter), but I decided to try Kingpole’s five G’s and see if it has any effect on me. I will keep this thread updated with any changes that occur. My EQ has been hovering from 7-8.5 for a while now and I want to get back to a 10 asap.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

I have diabetes (18 years) which has resulteed in moderate to severe ED, For over a year Ihave been taking the five ‘G’s, yohimbine, zinc, and saw palmeto. No noticeable improvement in my ED but they may be helping my circulation so I keep taking them.

What does provide significant improvement is l-arginine ethyl ester (7 gr) dissolved in a glass of green tea taken three hours in advance along with an aspirin and a Maxidus pill. This cocktail provides me with a nice semi which is further improved when I take another Maxidus pill 20 minutes prior. I have tried many other supplements, but this is the only combination which works for me. I always needed to take Viagra in order to get a usable erection, but now I can drastically reduce the dosage or sometimes eliminate it altogether.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I have diabetes (18 years) which has resulteed in moderate to severe ED, For over a year Ihave been taking the five ‘G’s, yohimbine, zinc, and saw palmeto. No noticeable improvement in my ED but they may be helping my circulation so I keep taking them.

What does provide significant improvement is l-arginine ethyl ester (7 gr) dissolved in a glass of green tea taken three hours in advance along with an aspirin and a Maxidus pill. This cocktail provides me with a nice semi which is further improved when I take another Maxidus pill 20 minutes prior. I have tried many other supplements, but this is the only combination which works for me. I always needed to take Viagra in order to get a usable erection, but now I can drastically reduce the dosage or sometimes eliminate it altogether.

Just curious, what are the low’s and high’s that you manage to keep your glucose within ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by alin
Just curious, what are the low’s and high’s that you manage to keep your glucose within ?

Low - 42
High - 400”

Since starting on an insulin pump in April last year, I have reduced my a1c from over 10 to about 7. It is Interesting to note that if my BG is over 150 it is difficult to achieve and/or maintain an erection.

Well it has been two weeks since I have tried Kingpole’s 5 g’s supplement routine and I am starting to see some changes. For those that don’t know the 5 g’s are:

Ginko Biloba
Green Tea
Ginger Caps

Overall I am happy with the way my body is responding to them. I guess I can list the changes that I have seen…

-My erections have gone from a 7 to a high 8/low 9
-I have seen a slight increase in cum volume
-Before my penis would completely return to flaccid after orgasm but now it stays hard for a few minutes afterwards

I am enjoying the path that I am on right now. The only thing I wish I would have done is start with one or two supplements in order to pinpoint which ones are having the best effect on me and which ones are not (if there are any). Still hoping for more spontaneous erections throughout the day though. Hopefully things only continue to improve from here. I can give more details at a later time if it is needed.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

Eso esta muy bien.yo estube con andro penis y ejercicios de pe.y estube pinchandome enantato de testosterona crellendo que me iba

A crecer mucho mas rapido.pero como tenia unas erecciones increibles solo con tocarme,no me podia poner andro penis ni casi hacer los ejercicios de pe,

Y tube que dejar de hacerlo.sabeis algun suplemento que valla bien para acelerar el crecimiento del pene? Tambien estoi tomando l.arginina y tribulus terrestri por la noche antes de dormir,pero no se si ago bien o no .muchas gracias amigos

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I have diabetes (18 years) which has resulteed in moderate to severe ED, For over a year Ihave been taking the five ‘G’s, yohimbine, zinc, and saw palmeto. No noticeable improvement in my ED but they may be helping my circulation so I keep taking them.

What does provide significant improvement is l-arginine ethyl ester (7 gr) dissolved in a glass of green tea taken three hours in advance along with an aspirin and a Maxidus pill. This cocktail provides me with a nice semi which is further improved when I take another Maxidus pill 20 minutes prior. I have tried many other supplements, but this is the only combination which works for me. I always needed to take Viagra in order to get a usable erection, but now I can drastically reduce the dosage or sometimes eliminate it altogether.

Has the maxidus pills tongkat ali in?I have seen two different versions with and without it.thanks


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