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Testosterone related to gains.

Testosterone related to gains.

I would like to know does anyone think there is any relation between testosterone and PE? I, have from taken testosterone injections before, and noticed what looked to me to be some slight gains in girth and even a little in length (but it may have also been from the added testosterone causing a partial erection more often. and making erections harder). I cannot however say this is exactly the case as i did not measure at the time.

Perhapse those of the slow gainers should look into taking testosterone in some form along with your PEing.. wouldn’t it be reasonable to say that since testosterone levels trigger growth during puberty it could do the same afterwards?

Maybe this in combination with better routines is the missing link to why some gain faster than others.

anyway i would just like to know what others think. I’m not aware if this issue has been beaten to death or not if so i’m sorry if so. but i was wondering what everyone else thought about this.

Sports guy

Going for 9

Interesting…it is possible that the greater testosterone causes stronger erections and thats where the added size came from, I dont know if it actually stimulated penis cell growth. I know that I have high testosterone (I’m a bodybuilder, thats why I had it checked, and I’m only 18) and I am a moderately slow gainer. Maybe a doctor or something is in here and can give a medically proven answer. Testosterone probly has something to do with size as your dick grows to fast during puberty which is triggered by testosterone.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

You might look up the “ball zinger” either here or at PE Forums. It seems to boost Testosterone signifigantly. I don’t recall if it helped PE gains, but it had a lot of other benefits reported.

I know testosterone at pubety signals the tissues to form an adult genital. Other than that I’m not sure what role it plays in penises that are already “adult”. Perhaps sufficient levels play a role in maintenance as opposed to atrophy.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Somebody had suggested topical testosterone for gains. What’s up with that? If that does work, wouldn’t you lose your gains after you stop using it? Like how your muscles will atrophy after you stop taking ‘roids?

If you stop working out in the gym for a couple weeks your muscles will atrophy even without taking steroids.

sorry it took me so long to respond i’ve been out of town for christmas.. I guess nobody really knows if testosterone has a benefit to PE but with the better erections added test could give. i would think it couldn’t hurt.

Going for 9

I have heard great things about androgel(topical testorone). Just look up the word topical ;) . You can get it by perscription or otc but it is extremly expensive at around 135 dollars for a months supply. Ask shoesize12 about it.


I have a higher than average testosterone count….975. I have been doing PE for about 3 years. I am definately a slow gainer. I do the excersizes and hang—I know I am doing them correctly. I just have tough skin and ligaments.

For me, testosterone makes me horny, all the time. But it does not necessarilly make me have more hard-ons nor are they consistently harder—like everyone else. Seems to activate my libido more than my dick.


I have been using a 5% testosterone cream for the last 10 months.It is applied to the skin,scrotum,buttock,hips etc at the rate of one gram per day .I split it into half mornings half night .You need a doc script for it and can be made up by any compounding chemist.My results from using it were after the first 7 days on it I started to gain weight [all mussel] and always awoke up in the early mornings with a good hard erection.Reminds me of when I was just 16 yo .[I am now 55]Total weight gain in 10 months is 9 kg [nearly 20 lb].I have more energy, and clearer thinking .Will be changing to a 10% test.cream when my present supply runs out.No my balls havnt shrunk,and I have no big gains in penis length. Im presently using a 230 mmx60 mm[9’x2 3/8] and am hitting the end of the chamber under will be buying a 10’x 70mm[cost $70 what a ripoff]very soon.

Originally Posted by vivace
I have a higher than average testosterone count.975. I have been doing PE for about 3 years. I am definately a slow gainer. I do the excersizes and hang—I know I am doing them correctly. I just have tough skin and ligaments.

For me, testosterone makes me horny, all the time. But it does not necessarilly make me have more hard-ons nor are they consistently harder—like everyone else. Seems to activate my libido more than my dick.

So basically what your saying is, that it makes your brain horny, but doesn’t really affect the penis directly. Thus not really a necessity for someone in generally good health, in there mid 20’s.

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