Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Top Ten Herbal Sex Enhancers


Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
Marijuana makes you last for hours, because of the loss of sensitivity.

If anything, smoking marijuana makes me hypersensitive. All my senses seem to be enhanced and the pleasure of sex is fantastic.

It’s drinking too much booze that numbs me out.

Originally Posted by bds123
From what I gather in the few times that I’ve been high on weed is that it heightens ones senses—sound, taste, touch, etc. I had sex one time while I was stoned and sensitivity was definitely increased, but I’m like you in that I don’t like smoking it. I’m more of a booze hound myself.

I Don’t smoke marijuana, I bake cookies with it, rather the wife bakes the cookies, and we eat them about three hours before we have sex. By eating marijuana the whole body not just the head gets high. This increases sensitivity and touch, it also makes the orgasms last for what seems an eternity.

Why not consider “tongkat ali” very famous among south east asian ? Can email me or msg me.

Originally Posted by zacko
Y not consider “tongkat ali” very famous among south east asian.. Can email me or msg me

yes, Tongkat Ali is very good

“read the reast of the forum guidelines… Also, the spell checker does work now” :P!!! Reast or Rest, Thunder, which is it?

One problem with all this stuff is that belief and expectations of a product could increase the likeliness of something responding either positively or negatively. Otherwise known as the placebo effect…. This can really screw up your judgement of things as your mind can make similar changes to your body just like the herbs do.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy


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