Originally Posted by kapital
Sorry to hear that Biggy_wang.
Thanks for your sympathy.
Originally Posted by kapital
If somebody ever suggested steroids to me I would have to reject them just on principle. In my opinion it’s risky, dangerous, ** But worse won’t last forever ex. (Pro wrestling). Doing drugs is dangerous, additive, and could risk your life.
You yourself have to understand the risk, and some people are just too shady and biased to trust,I was never one of those, I will explain below.
Originally Posted by kapital
,Jayranner1 if you would enlighten me about what HGH, IGF, and androgenic steroids is I would like to read please.
Now this worries me, You go form being against , to this.
Sure , it’s not like you are going to start using them or anything.
Well listen to my story ,(short version)
I fucked myself up bad has a teen on pro hormones(yes I was a fool, I can accept that)
It Knocked me right out of life, caused so much mental illness(Anxiety,social phobias,the works etc.), I became home-bound for a year at time!(this happened twice during my pro hormone days).
Well I did not , at the time think this was because of pro hormone use, my mental illnesses( did not know it was mental at the time) was so bad the I felt I had something physically wrong with me, so after being home-bound ( the second time,this for a year+) One of the many Doctors I saw , said” son , You have bad anxiety and depression”.
Well they put me on Paxil, I stabilized on that after about 3 months and was fine for 4 years.
Now last Oct,05 , I was working, had a g/f, shit was going good, I was already in great shape and was weaning off the paxil(70% decrease and stayed like this for about 3 months with no probs), I was doing many physical activities and said to myself” I wonder If I could get some kind of boost”.
Well there was this guy at the gym who was always saying” dude you already have a good body , man If you took some gear(steroids) you would be fucking great!.
(Oh, and at this time I have not yet put two and two together that these substances triggered my mental problems)
So I did about 2 months of research , Picked out the shit to take, and did the very minimum that one would recommend( most said I was on a pussies dose) , so here I am at Oct,24 2005 sticking that needle in my butt.
3 weeks later, the mental melt down.( just before the steroids by the way, I was cool , calm and confident, no worries) .
Forced to Quit my job, became home-bound, became completely anti-social, back on a new medicine and my girl left me!
This was all because what happened before , was happening again.
See the correlation with that and what happened before?
Before I decided to go on to the steroids, It was during the time of me doing all the research ( online forums , people I knew on them) that I decided to give it a go, so with that said, be prepared to be VERY tempted during your research, the people and online communities were VERY biased about the info on roids in their favor-(obviously because they are using them) , yea, their are side effects , but you can counter them all with the right knowledge they say.
This is just my story.
It does not affect everyone the same way.
My bro’s story very quick,
We were always looking up to one another and did many of the same things, well he did a bunch of pro hormone use as well in his teens.
Here is that outcome- His hair fell out at 19, went through very bad mental issues,(,Put in a loony home for a few months,he is now on meds has well), and is just plain lost in life because of this.It has been a very traumatizing situation for the both of us.
I am not being biased to keep you off of them, I am simply giving you my story.
And about What I mention above about being shady and biased, through my experience with the research before I started, Everyone( steroid community) kept the dirty little secrets away from me it seemed.
What I mean by this is nearly no one through my research stressed the dangers enough and these forums really never talked about the seriousness of the side effects.
They only seemed to talk about the beneficial shit, like” yea dude, I just put on 10 pounds of muscle”.
But you see, with steroids you HAVE to talk about the Side effects maybe even more than the positives, here is why,
1.They are very likely to happen.
2.They can be very serious side effects.
Hell, the Side effects are so common that some people on steroids acknowledged and accept it in the sake of gaining muscle, more like the little things though, hair loss, Rage, Sexual problems / enhancements.
This is just the SHORT story by the way.
Well this has been a lot from me, I am not trying to tell no one what to do, but I will say , I would never want someone to go through the hell I went through on .
It has truly crushed who I was to be, maybe I can make a comeback.