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tunica elasticity emollient ?


tunica elasticity emollient ?

it seems to me that an obvious tool in PE would be a substance that would make the tunica less stiff, for easier stretching. is such a thing possible ?

PGE2 but you try it first and let me know.

Its the hormone that ripens the cervix during labor. You can buy it online. You tell me how it works…cool?

anybody have any experience or information on this stuff or anything like it ?

I don’t have any knowledge of any substance for increasing the elasticity of the tunica. However, I do have knowledge on the forum guidelines, why don’t you take a moment and go read them again.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I am sorry. My next posts, I will capitalize the first word of each sentence.


To evaluate the efficiency of the prostaglandin E1 analogue misoprostol combined with the vacuum erection device (VED) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED).

Materials and Method

Twenty-one patients with ED for a mean of 2.3 years (range 0.2-8 years) took part in the study. On the first visit only VED was used. On the sectond visit, misoprostol was applied intraurethally for 10 min and then drained out. Thirty minutes postinstillation, VED was used to enhance erection. On both occasions, changes in penile length and diameter and the quality of the erection were recorded.


With VED the increases in length and diameter were 3.29 cm (range 1.5-5.4 cm) and 0.68 cm (range (0.1-1.2 cm), respectively. When VED application was repeated following misoprotol application, the increases in length and diameter were 4.05 cm (range 2.0-6.1 cm) and 1.05 cm (range 0.5-1.65 cm), respectively, being significantly higher than the measurement reported with VED alone. The side-effects of intraurethral misoprostol are described.


The intraurethral application of misoprostol significantly improves the quality of VED-induced erections. This agent seems to be a cheap intraurethral adjunct to VED with mild to moderate local side-effects.

And none of you have ever experimented with this avenue ?

I tried ordering one of the transdermal creams from Nexmed(in Asia it’s out as Befar). My order was cancelled because their supply had been cut off.. supposedly because of the SARS epidemic. After reading more, I don’t know if it would have survived the trip because of it’s temperature sensitivity.

Anyway, it would have been fun to try. They are working on a similar(same PGE1) product for women that I’m more intersted in.

I didn’t know they were out of China. I’m sure there are more than just that product. If you want, just type in “transdermal PGE1” and you’ll see some more companies with that type of product. I don’t know if you’ll need a Rx but if your interested……….

Sorry, I read your post wrong. They are selling it in Asia? I guess the FDA is involved with them here? You can still find something like it here I think.

Fishy - anything you want to apply to the tunica has to travel through several layers of skin and fascia. Anything applied to the skin or transdermally may not be able to reach the target area. Injecting it into the urethra (as in the study above) gets it closer to the tunica, but still not in direct contact. And the tunica is tough for a reason. It has to contain blood under pressure. If it were possible to soften or weaken it, you might end up with blebs or balloons or who knows what from uneven absorption.

Eesh. I think I’ll pass then, unless there’s a safer way. Don’t want to end

up with a disfigured schlong.

The FDA is curently looking at Topiglan® Gel and so far, no disfigured dicks. Wow!!!

My advice is to just use a simple warm up of hot water for 5 minutes, that is hot enough water you can stand … I guess

"The greatest inspiration is not out doing others but out doing ourselves."

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