Thanks for that info Redwood!
I had to run the other day…didn’t get to finish my post. Heres the rest of it.
3. I find that if I overdo the PE, nothing will help overcome that effect. So I experimented with a 2-3 day layoff, and I cut my dose back to one tablet. Just made love to my wife last nite after 2-3 days of no sex and no PE. I was very hard and stayed that way for the entire time (apx 2 hours). My ejaculate load has been much higher (apx double, but thats an estimate) and pours out of her when I pull out (she loves it!). Now that I have cut back to 1 tab a day, I will monitor my load amount and see if it maintains its current levels.
4 I generally feel that with any nutrients/chemicals you put into your body, it is always wise to realize that more is rarely better. The lowest amount that gets the job done is usually best in the long run. Overuse of anything can cause imbalances which end up causing more harm than good.
Overall, I believe that the NOX2 does indeed increase erection rigidity and ejaculate volumn. I think along with a sensible PE program, including kegels ( if done to real fatigue or muscular failure, no more than 1-2X/week. If done in moderate amounts, not to fatigue…can do then more frequently. Remember muscles need to recover after exercise, or they get WEAKER!!!) If you find that you are having problems with erections where you didn’t before, stop masturbation and PE and everything for 1-2 weeks and see if everything returns to normal. If it does, you were overdoing it. Start back in with lower frequency and intensity and slowly increase until you find your optimum amount.