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Vitamin B-6

Vitamin B-6

I am always looking for a more “natural” way of supplementing my bodybuilding, etc. I read on a body building site that B-6 (600 mg per day) can be substituted as a GH (growth hormone).

When I searched the net, there were several theories. What does our resident medical community say about the use of Vitamin B-6?


I believe B6 is one of the few water-soluble vitamins that can be harmful if taken in excess. My memory is that it causes nerve damage if taken in large amounts for extended periods, and 600 mg would certainly be large.

On something like this, Google is your friend.

I think all the B vitamins are pretty harmless because they simply wash out through your urine if taken in excess(within reason).

If you want your body to produce more GH, take arginine like NOX2. I don’t think taking extra vitamins can do anything extra for you, it would only help you if you had a defincency in it. Just make sure your getting your daily requirements and you’ll know you body will function effeciently, then try taking certain aminos or herbs if you looking for something extra.

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