Beans give an incomplete protein source, unlike meat, milk, whey etc, which have all amino acids. However, even though bread is an incomplete source aswel, bread completes the missing amino acids in the beans, just as beans completes the missing amino acids in bread, combining into a complete protein together. So if you have beans, eat some bread with it, inorder to make it a complete protein source, like meat, milk, whey etc. Go for brown bread as it has more amino acids than white bread. Buy lots of different types of beans and make a mexican stew with peppers, onions, tinned tomoatoes, mushrooms, chile, rice, LOADS of different beans, and anything else you like. Then eat a big bowl of it with some lightly toasted brown bread, pitta, naan bread, tacco etc.
Drink more milk, to make up for the lack of meat for protein. 1 pint/500ml of skimmed milk gives 20 grams of protein and only 0.1 gram of fat. Whey protein is excellent protein. It digests very quickly though, so mix a scoop into 1 pint/500ml of skimmed milk. Milk protein digests slower, so by combining the two, you will be recieving a steady, time release effect of protien, to aid your body longer. Not to mention that it makes the whey powder taste better.