Which Supplements can increase circulation?
Just wondering which supplements can increase blood circulation? I feel like i have poor circulation. My flaccid penis always differs in size. Anywhere from 4.5” to almost nothing. I am starting to attribute this to poor circulation. I have cold hands and feet allot and i know extremities are the first things to loose blood when circulation is poor, the penis being one of them.
I really hate having a small flaccid. Its like there’s no blood in it at all sometimes. It will just be almost white as a ghost and turtle a little. I want to improve this and I’m taking steps in order ti so this.
I know I’m doing things that don’t help any:
I smoke
I’m 50lbs overweight.
I take anti depressants. Zoloft, buspar
Ive started an exercise program and I’ve lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
I’m going to quit smoking soon.
I’m trying to taper off of the medication.
So my question is this: What supplements can i take to improve my circulation while I’m working on the things that are probably causing it?
Start: 3/25/07: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 5" NBPEL: 5" BPFSL: 5.75" Progress: 4/10/07 BPEL: 6" EG: 5" GREAT SUCCESS!!
Progress: 5/18/07 BPEL: 6.25" EG: 5.1" FL: 3.5" FG: 4.25" Still growing! Progress: 5/30/07 BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 6" BPFSL: 7" Gained an inch! Gains 6/21/07 FL: 4" FG:4.5"