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Yohimbe and Heart Problems

Yohimbe and Heart Problems

Was wondering if anyone had heard about this with the Yohimbe. I do take some supplements that have Yohimbe, but not a lot.. Any comments, any experiences with this?


Originally Posted by Workoutguy
Was wondering if anyone had heard about this with the Yohimbe. I do take some supplements that have Yohimbe, but not a lot.. Any comments, any experiences with this?


In a nut shell, it’s bad for you. Don’t take it.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Yeah, I’m fairly certain that it can cause problems. I had been taking something that contained yohimbe and I ended up having elevated blood pressure. I got real dizzy one time and found that my bp was quite high. Too make a long story short, I would say steer away from yohimbe products, I still have a bottle in my cabinet that I havn’t touched for a very long time…should have thrown it out by now.

Unless you are working with your doctor on this and use a prescription variety of Yohimbe which is much more refined than over-the-counter stuff, you are likely to get into some kind of trouble, unless very young and very healthy.

It raises blood pressure sometimes to dangerous levels, causes anxiety, and insomnia. If you are feeling flaked out on yohimbine, I doubt you’d care whether you got a hard-on or not.



I didn’t like the way it made me feel. On the plus side a small percent of people have reported psychotic breaks from combining yohimbe with alcohol.

I think we have talked about this before (?) have you done a search on yohimbe?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Yohimbe made me nervous and ill tempered

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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