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zinc and magnesium

zinc and magnesium

Guys, i have tryed zma
at night, with arginine ornitine.
It seems to be a good supplements.

I was wondering if the magnesium
has a relaxant effect.
Infact in this period i fell more relaxed.
And the zinc give me more fuck! LOL

But, at the same time…
it seems the magnesium makes me
more difficulty to get excited (full hard)
respect my normal…
Any of you knows abou this?

If so, i could take it in the middle of
the day, and so the relaxant effects
at night would be less, i believe.
What you think.

In any case, magnesium is a relaxant or what?
Why they use it togehter with zinc?
Becouse zinc increase sperm
and magnesium help to relax and control???


Zinc is said to enhance the effects of magnesium. Magnesium has many functions for the body and muscle relaxant is one of them. I’m not sure how well zinc would work for making one have more desire, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it does because zinc deficiency has been linked to impotence and is important in the growth of reproductive organs. I wonder if zinc has been discussed in the Supplement forum? I might wander into there in a while and see. There is a limit on how much zinc can be safely taken. Don’t overtake zinc. Check me on this, but I think the safe limit is 100 mg a day for zinc. Magnesium can be taken in high doses, but can cause diarrhea at high levels. I currently take 1075 mg of magnesium a day (75 mg in my multivitamin and four 250 mg tablets of magnesium supplement), and I take 65 mg of zinc a day (15 mg zinc in my multivitamin and 50 mg in my zinc supplement). Always do a good research on minerals before taking them as supplements, don’t take any one persons’ word for it.

From everything I’ve read about zinc supplementation, 50 mg a day is about max. If you take zinc with a copper additive (zinc leaches copper) that’s an advantage. Keep in mind that you do get zinc in a healthy diet. My guess, 25 mg a day of zinc supplementation is plenty for most guys.



Any of you have tryed to use magnesium
alone, for a long period?
Which is the dosage?

I say this becouse I like the relax that it gives…
It seems so good, (yeah!) i feel my body and muscle
very relaxed.

Any imput, from you, guys?



Assuming your tablets are 250mg, you should probably start low at 250mg/day or 500 mg/day for a couple of days and then move up to 750 mg for a few days. If you don’t get diarrea, then you can move up to even more. Keep a watch on your heart rate to make sure it doesn’t slow down too much if it does at all. In other words, slowly increase your dosage over time until you find what is best for you. Yes, you can take magnesium without the zinc.

OK, thanks.

I read that the normal need for a day is

350 mg….

A curiosity, you use it all the time,

or you get a pause? Like one month, and one month off…

Do you use it becouse you like the relaxant effect?

Or for other reasons?


I tend to have some back trouble and it helps muscle tension there. I take it regularly when I have it in the house. The bottle will become empty, and then it might be a few weeks before I get around to getting more.

I take ZMA at night also-find I sleep better with it….

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

YES! Absolutely!
Is very relaxant.

Anyway i find the it gives me
some little problem to get very hard…
Directly after the hour i take it…
so i am thinking to assume it (especially
magnesium) at day time, so that at
night i am more ready for sex…LOL

If I dont have a partner, is ok at night IMO
becouse is sooo relaxant!!!

I want to try: one month zinc and magnesium
and one cycle the other 2 weeks only magnesium.
Or even a pause after.

I give an advice for those who has the problem
of excessive masturbation:!!!!!!!!!!!
give it a try!!!!!

Magnesium. To relax.

Zinc. More sexual power!!!!!

YOU can use the way you need.



I just bought a bottle of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc at Longs. It was on sale. It’s got 1,000 mg of Calcium, 400 mg of Magnesium and 25 mg of Zinc. The recommended dosage is 3 tablets so that’s 3,000, 1,200 and 75, is that ok? When’s the best time to take it, on empty or full stomach?

Start 5.25 BPEL x 4.36 EG

Current 6.2 BPEL x 4.60 EG

Originally Posted by Maxtro
I just bought a bottle of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc at Longs. It was on sale. It’s got 1,000 mg of Calcium, 400 mg of Magnesium and 25 mg of Zinc. The recommended dosage is 3 tablets so that’s 3,000, 1,200 and 75, is that ok? When’s the best time to take it, on empty or full stomach?

I’ve got a bottle of calcium, magnesium and zinc also. It’s by Nature Made and it’s not as strong as your bottle.
Mine shows each tablet contains 333mg of calcium, 133 mg of magnesium, and 5 mg of zinc. My bottle says that helps build strong bones and teeth and that it also aids in nerve, muscle, and metabolic functions. I take some of this bottle occasionally. I don’t care too much for this three combo that contains calcium and feel it might be better suited for women who tend to need calcium. Just my opinion, I could be wrong about this. It is why though that I only take from this bottle occasionally. I won’t be buying this combo again.

My bottle says take with meals. May be that absorption is better then.

Is there anything wrong with taking calcium and is it possible to take too much? I tried doing some searches on calcium and I couldn’t find anything that answers the above.

I would have gotten the plain magnesium & zinc bottle but this one was much cheaper only $2.50. Buying things on sale with employee discount on top rocks :dance:

Mine says to take with meals also. But so does the L-Arginine I bought but from what I’ve read here it says to take on an empty stomach.

BTW both are made by Radiance.

Start 5.25 BPEL x 4.36 EG

Current 6.2 BPEL x 4.60 EG

I thought the maximum safe dosage of calcium is 2500 mg a day. If your bottle says 3 times a day then 3000 mg a day must be acceptable. Some people believe taking too much calcium will cause kidney stones in men. There are studies that dispute this belief. I don’t know enough on it to know what to believe on that. Calcium has been shown to interfere with some calcium channel blocker heart medications. There is no study I’m aware of showing it interferes with relaxation part of magnesium, but I have noticed that when taking this 3 combo pill my heart rate doesn’t drop at all as though the magnesium isn’t working for that part. Surely the manufacturers have a reason for putting these three together though.


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