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Zinc from Multivitamins Absorbed?

Zinc from Multivitamins Absorbed?

Is zinc absorbed from multivitamins that contain calcium? I heard that calcium and zinc competes which makes it so all of the zinc isn’t absorbed.

BTW I take ZMAs which contain 30mg of zinc and my multivitamin has 30mg of zinc. Should I find a multivitamin with 15mg of zinc? The multivitamin has 200mg of calcium if that matters.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Last edited by sed26 : 10-27-2011 at .

Zinc and Calcium compete with each other? That’s weird, especially in light of the fact that at most grocery stores you can buy supplements that contain both.

Where did you hear that?

It’s true. If you take ZMA take it by itself, with out anything other than a big glass of water. Putting zinc and calcium together is just poor supplement science. Even a multi vitamin that doesn’t list calcium probably uses it as a bonding agent. Zinc supplements should always be powdered, I usually get mine in a caplet form.

Effects of Zinc on Blood Pressure | livestrong

In the link you posted, it states that “too much calcium can interfer with zinc absorption”. Solution: Don’t go over 1000 mg of Calcium.

alin posted this in another thread a while ago

Originally Posted by alin
alin - Recommend an excellent and priced fair multi vitamin

Usually a multi contains 10-15% RDA of calcium(100-150mg) and >=100% zinc(15 mg zinc). Sure, a high calcium intake could offset the absorption of the zinc as per this study http://www.ajcn .org/content/65 … 6/1803.abstract .

"… used to investigate the acute effect of a 15-mmol CaCO3 (600 mg Ca) supplement, with and without extra zinc, on zinc absorption from a single test meal supplying 111.7 mumol (7.3 mg) Zn. Zinc absorption was reduced significantly by 50% when the calcium supplement was given with the meal. Inclusion of an extra 119.3 mumol (7.8 mg) Zn as part of a calcium supplement offset the detrimental effect of calcium on zinc absorption"

Ok, here they gave 600 mg of Ca(3-4 times more than the amount, as I said, usually contained in a multi-at least the multi that I take) and 7.8 mg zinc(half of what is contained usually). It reduced zinc absorption by 50%(3.9 mg zinc lost). They also said that "Inclusion of an extra 119.3 mumol (7.8 mg) Zn as part of a calcium supplement offset the detrimental effect of calcium on zinc absorption". So 7.8 +7.8=15.6 offsets the detrimental effects of 600 mg Ca on zinc’s absorption.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

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