Zinc + ginkgo biloba = Extreme load booster
I have always been A dribbler and not a shooter. I came a decent amount (it was like 4 spurts that dribbled out. maybe around a tablespoon of it) But all it did was dribble out. If I edge for a week without ejaculation I will shoot a little but mostly just dribbles. This never has bothered me that much but I heard zinc may help with load size and while I was picking up a bottle I decided to get some ginkgo to. I have been taking 50mg of zinc and 120mg of ginkgo for the past ten days and let me tell ya, I cant be happier. Not alone am I much hornier But my load has skyrocketed! Instead of 4 dribble spurts I am now shooting one spurt about a foot then 2 more after that a good 6 inches, Then one spurt a couple inches that about 3 or 4 more dribble spurts come out. So not only has this about doubled the amount that comes out but I also shoot now!
I would highly recommend this combo to everyone for load size, shoot distance and libido.
Current size. Nbpel 7.00 Bpel 7.7 Eg 5.3 Fl 5.1