re epilight
I did respond last week but obviously made a mistake as my post never materialised.
I’ve got an epilight session on in the month so I’ll take pictures with my digital camera of my chest or tummy and maybe my testicles or around the base of the penis which I’m now also having done as well.
I looked at momentos link and I think that its hardly impartial evidence a laser clinic saying that epilight is not good etc,but theres probably some truth in it.
I know laser is so incredibly painfull and only one of the doctors questioned said laser was more permanent , which is not really what I’ve heard from many sources, I think their probably playing with words a little.
I’ve had 4 treatments so far on my chest and bottom, it’s working definitly.
I used to have a rug on my chest and now its thin with light hairs and about 40 - 50 % of hairs disapearing altogether I think I’ll have 2 more treatments and then I ‘ll have to stop because of the cost.
I think some there may be dissatisfaction generated because of the sheer cost of each treatment, however I still believe that I’ve made the right desicion as laser is never advertised as permanent, theres no better treatment then epilight technology wise at the moment I would say , but make up your own mind, and do a few searches on epilght etc .
I did have very coarse hair I really wish things where different but thats just my luck I suppose some people have bigger problems.
I didn’t even want to say this but I had patchy hair on my back ! H.O.B not nice !
I needed confidence so I had to go through with this as I like to look after my body and look and feel good.
It’s fading on my back and a lot thinnner but the coarseness caused by shaving has made it harder to remove . I’ll keep on at that area until its all gone.
and a extra note
If you pump you can buy seals from pump toys, rubber like inserts, I’m going to order one myself , maybe then you wouldn’t have to shave hair as much down there. I’m just generally tidying up that area with the treatment I’ll be having anyway.
regards Chris