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Has anyone here had a hair transplant?? Please Help


Okay so I have been researching a lot but at the same time trying to convince myself I don’t need it because I know it is going to be a major cost probably across my whole life time… That hasn’t worked yet so I’m still searching. The Acell thing that iamaru posted was really interesting and I have managed to find a few people online who have had this treatment done. Unfortunately they haven’t all been success stories but I think deep down I knew that was never going to be the case. I was slightly disheartened to hear that if a body hair transplant has a yield of 60% that is considered pretty successful- I wouldn’t mind if that meant I’d get 40% of my money back but something tells me this is not how it works lol. I guess I was hoping someone of this forum was as vain as me and had had a transplant done as well, either a success or not but that could offer some first hand experiences.

Apparently there is an expo for hair surgeons this September and many are expected to present their results on how successful they have been with the Acell treatment, until then I will continue to research and maybe I’ll even put myself off the idea haha.

Just out of interest iamaru- how did you know about the Acell stuff, do you work in this field?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Originally Posted by iamaru

Research Acell Matristem. Mostly being used by Dr. Jerry Cooley but others as well. Acell is especially promising in transplanting body hair to the head.

Sorry, but I can’t help the mental image that just flashed through my head.


WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Im going bald, but luckily I have a good shaped bald head. Some girls say I dont look good with hair anyway.I believe them because my mother said the same thing. Believe or not some men look better bald. Hair transplant is really extreme. There is so natural approaches. I have some websites if you would like PM me.

Originally Posted by beenie169
iamaru- how did you know about the Acell stuff, do you work in this field?

I do not.

I was researching lasers and IR detection for some security applications and sidetracked.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I do not.

I was researching lasers and IR detection for some security applications and sidetracked.

Ah I see, well thanks for the input I appreciate it. I have lookedd further into Acell and it looks promising but still in the early stages unfortunately… I will update this thread if I find anything worth sharing or if I decide to set a date for a transplant.

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Originally Posted by beenie169

I will update this thread if I find anything worth sharing or if I decide to set a date for a transplant.

Please do. And if you go the Acell route consider talking to the laser hair guys for post op laser advise. They were the ones getting clone-like results.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru

I was researching lasers and IR detection for some security applications and sidetracked.

I believe you :)

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

A few comments to the original poster.

Firstly, I am in a similar position as you as I am relatively young (27) and experienced some hair loss. I didn’t have anything extreme as no one in my family has aggressive make pattern baldness, but I had some thinning on top and significant recession in the front. I got on Propecia which helped me regrow hair on top, stopped the hair loss, but unfortunately it didn’t regrow the receded hairline and I, too, am considering a transplant.

1)From my research, they have had some amazing breakthroughs in the part 10-15 years with transplants. I’ve seen many that look completely undetectable, although all the good ones I’ve seen used hair from the head, not the body hair. There will be scarring in the donor area which is covered up nicely by the surrounding hair when taken from the head, but probably wouldn’t be concealed as well using body hair. Additionally, body hair has very different consistency compared to the hair on your head so I just don’t see how this could look natural and none of the top surgeons seem to be using it.

2)I wouldn’t consider a hair transplant if you can’t commit to a lifetime of taking Propecia. For me, Propecia was much more effective at stopping additional hair loss than it was at regrowing the balding spots. If you don’t get on it now, your hair loss will continue and it will make it harder and harder to have a long term solution that will look good from a transplant as there is the element of supply and demand.

3)Look into a product called Nizoral for the scalp issues. It comes in a 1% OTC version and a 2% prescription version to treat dandruff and seboric dermatitus. Additionally, it has anti-androgenic properties as well and there have been multiple studies that it benefits both hair count and hair diameter in men who are thinning/balding. It’s anti-androgenic properties also cut down on the oil as well.

I hope some of this helps, I haven’t had any direct consultations with Drs yet as I’m not that far into my research and saving up the money, I’ve been looking at all the various forums online and there does seem to be a wealth of information there. One dr. I see and hear a lot of good things about is Dr. Alan Feller in New York. I’ve seen a lot of his patients post their results online and they look great and all seem to have had a great experience with the dr. and the clinic. There are other good ones too though, I’d look all over for before and afters. If I have a procedure I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf


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