Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sugaring for pubic hair removal


The pubic hair and the hair at the base of the penis hurt way more than ball hair. At least for me.

I have tweezed recently my balls, but I always stop at the base of the penis (I still do shaft hair though) and the pubic area, because the hair is more and the pain is greater.

If anyone can inform us if the pubic and shaft base area are “sugarable” I will give this a try.

It takes time and devotion.

Originally Posted by Axrhstos
The pubic hair and the hair at the base of the penis hurt way more than ball hair. At least for me.

I have tweezed recently my balls, but I always stop at the base of the penis (I still do shaft hair though) and the pubic area, because the hair is more and the pain is greater.

If anyone can inform us if the pubic and shaft base area are “sugarable” I will give this a try.

Yes, Axrhstos
I did it, I confirm
- it is “sugareable”
- the pain is greatest at the base of the penis, then comes the pubic area, then the balls (easiest one).
- but the “shock effect” is greatest at the balls because you cannot influence it by stretching the skin and/or compress your abdominal wall.

That’s the reason I had put myself bona fide in the hands of a professional cosmetician.
Was worth every single Swiss Franc, it was a nice (elderly and motherly type, no bad thoughts!) lady and I will make a next appointment for sure.

And Serenity73 did it too, according to his posting. Only he did it himself - sole difference.

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My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

I did the sugaring wax. I actually did a test run on my face first. Gotta say the hairs being yanked out under neath your chin on the neck, gives you a split second of OMG!! S@&T F&^K that hurt, then a good laugh that wasn’t so bad. So after my test run on my face, good news very NICE I liked it. I liked the results, enough to go down to the nether regions. So after yanking out hairs on the pubic bone area and on the shaft, I opted to just shave the ol balls. I like the sugaring wax, the pain is all in the first split second of yanking off the wax the first couple times then the area is sort of accustomed to it, then the rest is not bad at all. Best part about it is if your like me and have to shave everyday to keep a clean shave the sugar wax lets you go longer without having to shave. The appearance is very nice in both places on the face and in the groin. Since doing my sugar waxing I have gone a week and half without having to shave, and still smooth as silk. I’m hoping with the repeated times of sugar waxing the time in between waxing will be longer, and the hairs will pull out easier. I recommend this process to anyone man or woman. Smooth skin, no razor bumps, or ingrown hairs, very nice appearance. 10 thumbs up.


Did I get that right: sugaring the face instead of shaving?
Did you do that yourself? Or was it done by a professional.

Sounds like an interesting alternative to facial shaving!

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My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Ive waxed alot of friends. Ive done butts, groins, backs,… well you get the point. If they ask me to wax it i will. I dont do sugaring though. Waxing can be a nice experience, if you get it done by someone who knows what they are doing. Balls are always tricky, some stretch more than others haha.

Started 3/13/2012 BPEL: 6.750 EG: 5.3

Current BPEL: 7 EG: 5.9

Goal: BPEL 8.00 NBPEL 7.5 EG 6.0

Richard65- did you also get your ass crack and taint done?

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"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist


Yes, I had the ass crack done. No problems at all.
As for the “taint” I am sorry but I do not get what you mean by this.
Do you mean the anal opening itself?
If that is it, then yes, I did it too.

And will, by the way, re-do it for the third time tomorrow evening.
Getting hooked on my Brazilian waxing…

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My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Just had my third sugaring session. I think it’s less painful at each repetition as the body hair gets thinner and there is less to tear off.

After 20 minutes the lady was dine with me and I laid there a bit astonished how fast it was over.

Recommending, recommending, recommending…!

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My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Neither here nor there Richard65 but here is what a “taint” is for Americans. It is the area that starts at the bottom of your balls and runs to where your butt starts. The term comes from quickly saying “it aint” because this area of the body was referred to as it aint your balls and it aint your butt so it became the “taint”

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx


Thanks for the precision. I’ll add it to my favorite online-translator ASAP.
Quite interesting how eords develop.

And yes, I did the taint too :-)
I have to, as this spot gets his daily 5 mins of base chakra (because that is just under the taint) massage.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by salvatti
I did the sugaring wax. I actually did a test run on my face first. Gotta say the hairs being yanked out under neath your chin on the neck, gives you a split second of OMG!! S@&T F&^K that hurt, then a good laugh that wasn’t so bad. So after my test run on my face, good news very NICE I liked it. I liked the results, enough to go down to the nether regions. So after yanking out hairs on the pubic bone area and on the shaft, I opted to just shave the ol balls. I like the sugaring wax, the pain is all in the first split second of yanking off the wax the first couple times then the area is sort of accustomed to it, then the rest is not bad at all. Best part about it is if your like me and have to shave everyday to keep a clean shave the sugar wax lets you go longer without having to shave. The appearance is very nice in both places on the face and in the groin. Since doing my sugar waxing I have gone a week and half without having to shave, and still smooth as silk. I’m hoping with the repeated times of sugar waxing the time in between waxing will be longer, and the hairs will pull out easier. I recommend this process to anyone man or woman. Smooth skin, no razor bumps, or ingrown hairs, very nice appearance. 10 thumbs up.

Is it me, or doing sugaring your face sounds more scary than doing the balls?

Pre PE: 5/8/04 BPEL 6.25" EG 5"

Goal: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.5"

Routine, Pics

Waxing is not that big a deal

I have been waxed about ten times. “Back, crack n sack.” Haha.

My girl does a great job, and now that I have been waxed, it gets easier and lighter every time. BTW, I get waxed at an Asian spa less than $100 with a tip. It makes me look much larger once almost all of that hair is removed.


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