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1st Urologist Appointment

1st Urologist Appointment

Hey Guys,
Goober here, I have an appointment with Dr. Jelly-Fingers on the 16 of November 2010. This appointment will be the first with a Urologist. My hope is to find out if I have a venous leak or not.

If you guys don’t mind, I’d appreciate your help compiling a list of questions that I should be asking him. I don’t have a clue where to start nor do I understand any of it to ask a knowledgeable question.

A venous leak may be the least of my concerns at 56 so don’t be shy in telling me what I should focus on.

Thanks in advance

Before you see him, having some knowledge of how things work might be beneficial. This page seems to have a nice summary of things… … /impotence.html

It might also help you understand where he’s going with his treatment plan or understand the tests or medications he might recommend.


Here's my problem (include ability to get and maintain an erection, frequency of intercourse and/or masturbation, erection hardness percentage, libido levels, etc.).

What are the different causes of erectile dysfunction?

Could I have a “venous leak?”

What tests could you perform that might determine if my problems are caused by physical changes in my penis or circulatory system?

I've heard of a “doppler blood flow study” that is non-invasive. Can that be done in your office?

What blood tests do you recommend to determine if my erectile problems are due to hormonal changes?

Here is a list of my known ailments (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) and social habits (smoking, alcohol consumption, etc.). Could my erection problems be due to any of them?

Here's a list of the medications I'm taking. Could any of them be responsible for my erection difficulties?

Are there any devices (i.e. pumps or cock rings), exercises, or techniques you might recommend to help me maintain an erection?

How about medications like Viagra or Levitra? What are the side effects? Base on other medications I'm taking, is it safe to use this type of drug?

Good luck.

Thank you very much for such good questions and suggestions; also for the wayne link.


I’d like to add to westla’s list the psychological aspect. Your state of mind, stress, depression, or confidence level, happiness, etc. should be considered also…

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Originally Posted by cervixhunter

I’d like to add to westla’s list the psychological aspect. Your state of mind, stress, depression, or confidence level, happiness, etc. should be considered also…

Thank you CH.

If you are not already on the “routine,” get a PSA test. It is a simple blood test which, although not perfect, can indicate prostate cancer. By establishing a base point reading, you then compare each year to see if there are changes. Prior to the PSA, don’t ejaculate for two or three days. Before my annual one, I don’t even do PE.

If your doctor suspects venous leakage he may or may not want to do a Doppler. Urologists tend not to do Dopplers on older guys unless there are overweaning reasons. The Doppler will pinpoint leakage, but then the solution to these is usually surgery to seal off the offending veins. However, the cure rate for guys over about 40 is not real high and there is more return down the road to venous leakage again than in younger men. Surgeons experienced in this technique get much better results than others, so if he leans toward a surgical route, make sure you find out how many successful surgeries he has had and how long they last in older patients.

Before your appt., make a list of your specific complaints. Make a copy and give this to him. He will probably appreciate your doing that and can then go down the list with you addressing each point.



Originally Posted by avocet8
If you are not already on the “routine,” get a PSA test. It is a simple blood test which, although not perfect, can indicate prostate cancer. By establishing a base point reading, you then compare each year to see if there are changes. Prior to the PSA, don’t ejaculate for two or three days. Before my annual one, I don’t even do PE.

If your doctor suspects venous leakage he may or may not want to do a Doppler. Urologists tend not to do Dopplers on older guys unless there are overweaning reasons. The Doppler will pinpoint leakage, but then the solution to these is usually surgery to seal off the offending veins. However, the cure rate for guys over about 40 is not real high and there is more return down the road to venous leakage again than in younger men. Surgeons experienced in this technique get much better results than others, so if he leans toward a surgical route, make sure you find out how many successful surgeries he has had and how long they last in older patients.

Before your appt., make a list of your specific complaints. Make a copy and give this to him. He will probably appreciate your doing that and can then go down the list with you addressing each point.

Thanks for you input A8,

The Dr. is aware of my history and I do have a personal complaint list for him, however, I lack the experience of a Doppler or any ‘leak seeking’ procedures, so I don’t really know what to ask about it.

Whenever I come back from a Dr’s visit my wife always asks “did I tell the Dr about… or about… My answer is usually no, I just listen to what he says and don’t think of asking anything, I’m usually content with just getting an appointment.

Thanks for everyone help, I appreciate it very much.


Originally Posted by goober

Whenever I come back from a Dr’s visit my wife always asks “did I tell the Dr about… or about… My answer is usually no”…


This is why a list can be an important factor in a doctor visit. That way you are not pounding the steering wheel on the way home with: “Oh, no! I forgot to tell him about that hole in my thigh that my wife can see through,” and “Damn! I forgot he purple and green lights I’ve been seeing in my left eye!”



Originally Posted by avocet8
This is why a list can be an important factor in a doctor visit. That way you are not pounding the steering wheel on the way home with: “Oh, no! I forgot to tell him about that hole in my thigh that my wife can see through,” and “Damn! I forgot he purple and green lights I’ve been seeing in my left eye!”

The sole reason I started this thread and I appreciate everyone’s help.

Thanks again

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