Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A little chest thumping!!!

A little chest thumping!!!

Guys, I had been experimenting with “edging” for several months now for two reasons:

1) to keep maximally pumped after a jelq session when I was actively seeking size.

2) to exercise my self in control so as to last long as I want.

Any body who has read my posts on the subject of sex with my wife knows that she is not into long drawn out sex. I do the exercise mainly to keep in shape for those times of the month that she takes relativelly longer to cum. Well after her shower this am the wife was wanting a “quickie”. After minmal preliminaries she wanted me to mount her. She came 4 min later - about her average I guess. I went for another 4 before I came, I pulled out ejaculated about 1/2 a load. then pushed back in contined on a plateau (and how sweet it was) for about 40 sec then ejaculated again!!!! I had done this before during edging, but I usually don’t go for the full ejaculation because I want to stay pumped rather than simply get off. I have never been able to pull this off during sex woo hoo I’m pumped!! I’m not sure if she came a second time - I didn’t ask she usually doesn’t - She may have had a “little one”

or just got close. In any event I left her with a big smile on both our faces;)

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Great post, that sounded interesting (and fun).

I must have missed your prev postings ref “edging”. I have to ask, how did you manage to truncate your first ejaculation?

When I’ve done something similiar to this, I had just gotten too close to ejacing, pulled out, and flexed everything from below my belly button to above my knees in one mind-bending effort not to spurt. Usually the semen from maybe one spasm comes out, but then I’m good for another 5 or 10 mins or longer. Sometimes, my dick goes into shock or something and I can go for as long as I want (or I get the “tap”).

Bet that second ejac was good though, eh? Seems like when you finally give him the “OK, go ahead now” after that type of thing, it’s almost blinding.


I must have missed your prev postings ref “edging”. I have to ask, how did you manage to truncate your first ejaculation?>>

First because of the experience with “edging” I am very aware of where I am on the arousal scale. When I knew I was at the point of no return I pulled out to squirt it on the missus’ clit but allowed two small squirts our and keeping eyes open clamped down hard. At first I thought that was it, but after re entering I felt it boiling up again. I’d like to be able to do this every time. Its great to have confidence about control, but stretching the orgasm our (or did I really have 2 orgasms?) felt really great!!

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I’d vote that was was two orgasms. Sounds like we’re kinda doing the same thing.

Unlike your misses, mine is almost impossbile to bring to orgasm w/o some other stimulation. The ocassions I’ve been able to get here there required near super-human effort on my part, to the point I thought I’d have a fkg aneurism or something.

I routinely / usually have to do this truncation several times per session (if we’re in a “not-quikie” mode), as I initially have a short fuse. Hence my presence here, maybe a bigger dick that goes longer, deeper, farther, wider, -may- help. I have no illusions though.

Note, a couple time I miscalculated though, do to other things happening, and missed the window. Ended up with a dead dick. I think I’ve notice PE increased my resolution time, as use to be able to recover quicker for round two (when I get a round two), but seems longer now. I could be wrong, that type of observation is subjective.

Do it everytime, why not? I find it does take away from the go-for-all-you’ve-got feeling, but you get that on the final approach.

Forgot to mention, I always enjoy your posts. Thanks-


I hope you are able to isolate the process and teach us how to do this. It sounds like something we’d all get a kick out of, and our partners, too.

Keep plugging, as it were!



I downloaded Barbara Keesling’s “How to make Love All Night (and drive a woman wild)”.

I read the book.

I didn’t do all the execercises as prescribed because I already had good awareness of my arousal level because of “edging”

I think the thing that helped me most from the book is:

when at ponr

-clamp pc hard

-keep eyes open

-change stimulation (shift thrusting angle or slow down or pause -whatever works for you)

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Re: interesting

and I can go for as long as I want (or I get the “tap”).

The “tap”. ROFLMAO!!!


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