Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A new problem, I have an orgasm too quick


A new problem, I have an orgasm too quick

Hello my friends! How are you all?

Well… I’m facing a new problem at the moment! Before I started my PE career (which is in a pause mode because of an injury I had at the end of last month), I had light ED, most probably because I was so unsecure about my size, and because I had no confidence at all in me. I started doing PE to feel better, and to be able to make love with my girlfriend (my first woman, and I’m also her first) with a clean mind.

At the beginning, I was able to have sex for 1 hour, sometimes 1 and a half or even 2 hours. I was astonished by that, I thought I was Hercules, even though this fact wasn’t really helping me with my lack of confidence, etc. There was times when I was having sex with a 50% erection or so… that wasn’t very pleasant, but as long as I was pleasuring my GF, that was ok. After all, I was a PE newbie, and I knew I would be doing something that would boost my ego, my confidence, etc.

Anyway, the problem is… I do have more confidence now, and my erections were hard as hell (at the end of january, after jelqing for a few months, and after my first month of a newbie routine, my ED was gone, and I was having my sexual peek ever)… but the problem is that I can’t seem to last that long anymore. Yesterday, I had sex with my gf, and it was the first time ever, that I could only stand for 5 minutes before I have an orgasm, after penetration. It was frustrating as hell.

What do you guys think about this? I’ve read a lot about kegels, and I must confess that I haven’t tried this exercise yet, mostly because of a thread by spruce, on which he says they have had the opposite effect on him. I’m lost, really. What should I do? I really wanted a big penis, but I also wanted to be able to use it the same time I used it before.

I know I had the ED… but… I know it can be possible to stay “up” that long!!!

Help me here guys!

Big big hug!

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Gui, it’s happened once so far to you. It rarely happens to me, but it does sometimes. It has probably happened to every guy here on occasions and for some it is just a fact of life. If it becomes a constant problem, then start to worry about it/do something about it, otherwise the best thing to do is just forget it and carry on as before. It may well not happen again for a while.


Kegels have worked for me. Better erections and more control.

You shouldn’t hesitate to Kegel, it’s a healthy practice. And if you decide to start, I suggest 3 times a week. Many people kegel, 5 or more days a week. I also started this way, but it wasn’t working, because I was not getting enough rest. The PC muscle is, well.. A muscle. So following a typical bodybuilding routine, has worked best for me.

Start off by 30 a day, 3 times a week. And go up gradually (e.g. Add 20 a day, every week), better to be conservative at first. Actually if you do too many, then the next day you’ll have less sensation having sex, and you’ll last longer. That could be useful for those “special” occasions, but not in general.

Also, I find the stair-step kegel method, to be the most effective.

Good Luck.


Originally Posted by firegoat
Gui, it’s happened once so far to you. It rarely happens to me, but it does sometimes. It has probably happened to every guy here on occasions and for some it is just a fact of life. If it becomes a constant problem, then start to worry about it/do something about it, otherwise the best thing to do is just forget it and carry on as before. It may well not happen again for a while.


This probably is not talked about too much but one of the side effects of PE will be an improved penile circulatory system and therefore harder erections. This results in higher degrees of arousal and sensitivity which results in premature ejaculation. You have to adjust to your new plumbing and counter the higher levels of arousal. You have to hold off penetration until your ready and this may take time in-order to ratchet down your arousal. Concentrate on the girl and work with her relaxation and pleasure, this will take focus away from your arousal and mental “high.” Your mind takes you to these extremes and it is your mind that will have to bring you down, sometimes physical discomfort is required to alleviate the high arousal tension; in this case, you may have to pinch your scrotum or inflict other “pain center” reactions to minimize the rigidity in the penis. When you become overly erect or rigid the brain seeks a release and fires early. Do the things that will counter this condition.

Originally Posted by Gui_DG
Hello my friends! How are you all?

Well… I’m facing a new problem at the moment! Before I started my PE career (which is in a pause mode because of an injury I had at the end of last month), I had light ED, most probably because I was so unsecure about my size, and because I had no confidence at all in me. I started doing PE to feel better, and to be able to make love with my girlfriend (my first woman, and I’m also her first) with a clean mind.

At the beginning, I was able to have sex for 1 hour, sometimes 1 and a half or even 2 hours. I was astonished by that, I thought I was Hercules, even though this fact wasn’t really helping me with my lack of confidence, etc. There was times when I was having sex with a 50% erection or so… that wasn’t very pleasant, but as long as I was pleasuring my GF, that was ok. After all, I was a PE newbie, and I knew I would be doing something that would boost my ego, my confidence, etc.

Anyway, the problem is… I do have more confidence now, and my erections were hard as hell (at the end of january, after jelqing for a few months, and after my first month of a newbie routine, my ED was gone, and I was having my sexual peek ever)… but the problem is that I can’t seem to last that long anymore. Yesterday, I had sex with my gf, and it was the first time ever, that I could only stand for 5 minutes before I have an orgasm, after penetration. It was frustrating as hell.

What do you guys think about this? I’ve read a lot about kegels, and I must confess that I haven’t tried this exercise yet, mostly because of a thread by spruce, on which he says they have had the opposite effect on him. I’m lost, really. What should I do? I really wanted a big penis, but I also wanted to be able to use it the same time I used it before.

I know I had the ED… but… I know it can be possible to stay “up” that long!!!

Help me here guys!

Big big hug!

Welcome home :) I used to have the same problem and from my experience I can tell you that 99% of ‘premature’ orgasms are due to the psychology issues. I am sure that first time you noticed ‘earlier’ orgasm it came to you mind and next time you were ‘trying’ to last longer but you ended up even quicker :) The more you try the harder it is :) This is psychology. When you think about ‘lasting longer’ all your ‘mental’ energy comes to your dick. When you focus on your dick your brain gets orgasm quicker. That is also the reason why many men try to think about something else when they have sex…to make it last longer,

I came to a point where I could stand only for two minutes before I got orgasm. I tried everything. I tried drugs-Seroxat…European name for Paxil. It helps but only when you take it. After you finish with that everything gets ‘normal’.

As I am interested in psychology and know how our mind work I decided to train my dick. Training makes you a champion-this is truth to every aspect or our life. So I bought kind of ‘fake vagina’. I was using it(and I am still using it) each day. You lubricate it and have ‘sex’ with it ;) You have full control over your emotions, speed and which is good you are not getting nervous as there is no girl. For the first week I was trying to last at least 5 minutes. Than it was 10 minuets and now I can get to 30 minutes and want to get longer. Of course when you are with a girl it is not so easy as with ‘fake vagina’ but you can easily achieve 50% of what you have with fake vagina. I believe that with proper training, also later with a girl you can achieve the same with her that you achieve with fake vagina.

Orgasm-the same as ‘love’- comes from a brain. It is all in your mind and nowhere else man! :) Keep training until it becomes your habbit to last long.

Hello guys! Thanks for all your replies!

Well, in fact, it wasn’t really the first time I had to deal with this… In fact, at the very beginning of my sexual career, which started a few months ago when I started my relationship with me gf, I could stand a lot of time, mostly because I couldn’t feel that much when I was inside of her… and also, because we were having sex while using a condom. And now I find it pretty much harder, because my erections are getting better, and because I’m not using a condom most of the times. It’s pretty tough!

Well, we used to laugh at the articles that say that most men have an orgasm after 3 minutes of penetration, because we were having sex for so much longer than that. And now I can’t.

Well, of course we do not start the sexual relations at that point: penetration. There’s a lot before that, and that may be the reason of my arousal. But, once again, we’re not doing anything different. I think I’m the only one who is different!

I think I will start kegeling as soon as I get back to PE which I hope will happen in a week or two.

Thanks for all your opinions guys! you rule!

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

One thing that did help me a lot back when I was with my first girlfriend has been to desensitize the head of my penis by rubbing it hard against the palm of my hand while flaccid. Sounds silly, but it worked great for me.

Having George Michael for your avatar certainly doesn’t help you either :spin2:
…Hasselhoff rocks

I think that people underestimate the effect PE can have on an erection. For me it seems unpredictable. It can give me great erections, or weak ones, or seem to have no effect. But the point is that if you are doing PE, your penis is under some stress, so whatever happens in bed is not your “normal” response. Whenever you think things are not working normally, it is good to take a break from PE and watch how you change as you rest. Since you want to continue to PE, some unpredictability in your erections might be an unfortunate circumstance. Many guys counteract this with ED drugs.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I think that people underestimate the effect PE can have on an erection. For me it seems unpredictable. It can give me great erections, or weak ones, or seem to have no effect. But the point is that if you are doing PE, your penis is under some stress, so whatever happens in bed is not your “normal” response. Whenever you think things are not working normally, it is good to take a break from PE and watch how you change as you rest. Since you want to continue to PE, some unpredictability in your erections might be an unfortunate circumstance. Many guys counteract this with ED drugs.

mravg gives good advice.

I’d only add that if you are young and get variable results during sex and don’t have organic ED, that you use the ED drugs very sparingly. True, there is a benefit from them when you are very tense, especially with a new woman/partner. Viagra or Levitra or Cialis can get you over that hump. However, there is a heavy issue that goes along with these drugs: psychological dependence. You like the results; things happen; your responsiveness increases. You want that every time. But you can get that, most times, on your own after you get over your own mental hump, so to say.

We have a lot of sexual neophytes here - guys just starting out at being sexually active. Nothing at all wrong with that. We all start somewhere. What I am suggesting is that some young men use these drugs as crutches and miss out entirely on learning how to give good sex; on learning to be good lovers.

Trust me (because most of us here are here because we’re somewhat cock obsessed - for whatever ego reasons) ): Women do not know the difference between you taking Viagra and you not taking it. They may say before you enter, “oh wow!” but what their focus is going to be for the duration is: How Does This Feel, to Me?

So as it is for you, sex is All About Them.

While you are inside, learn to use your cock. Explore around. Ask questions: “Is this good for you or not? What would be good, for you? Teach me.” (What woman wouldn’t want to hear that??)

Most of you don’t need these drugs at all. You just need to communicate more with the people you are having sex with.



Thanks fire, plenty, powpow, HowdyBear, disi, mravg and my master avocet. You guys rule and the support of you guys is, once again, tremendously great!

I will let you know about this “new problem” of mine soon… ;)

P.S.: powpow, George Michael rules! He’s a great singer, a great songwritter, you guys should see him live! I saw him live last year in Barcelona, and it was absolutely amazing! Even though I do not share his sexual orientation and point of view, I still respect him, and I don’t like him any less because of that. We are what we are, and this man is great, and then here goes my tribute with the avatar!

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

I like it if I happen to come quickly. I may take a shower or we chat for a while and go for a second round. Since I last pretty long usually, it makes my gf proud and happy if I come quickly.

Cool man - enjoy it. There is nothing better.

Later - ttt

Hello everyone, I started the newbie PE routine on 1/17/07, so just over a month now I’ve been PEing.
I’ve done 2 days on 1 off, sometimes 3 days on 1 off, very minimal not overdoing too much, taking good care so as to not cause injury.
There is alot of new veins, and my penis is harder and much much more fuller than before I started. When I get an erection it is really throbbing hard.
I have not measure yet as to not become discouraged.

Well here is where the problem comes in, for the past week when I’m edging and ballooning my penis, I’ve had premature ejaculations.
I would watch porn and even if I’m just stroking a little to get to the edge, I would ejaculate. It seems my penis has become hypersensitive; when I get an erection (which is very easily acheived now) even a little masturbation with shorts/pants on will give me too much pleasure and I have to take it back alot. But this week, I’ve blown too many loads trying to edge. If I were to constantly just masturbate through one ballooning or edging session I would blow my load within a minute. But even with the effort of trying to hold it back when I’m about to blow (touching/stroking a little than stopping), I end up blowing my load within 5-10 minutes.

I used to masturbate about 2-3 times a day before 1/17/07, and after PE I’ve cut down to 2-3 times a week, maybe this has something to do with this?
Because today, just today, I’ve blown two loads, and each time the volume seemed to be alot. I’ve kept to 2-3 times a week since the beginning and just this week since 2/18 I’ve blown 4 loads, all from going too much to the edge.

Any suggestions, ideas? Maybe I should start masturbating a little more? My body might be telling me 2-3 times a week is not enough ejaculation.

Started PE 1/17/07 Newbie Routine: BPEL: 4 7/8' EG: 5 3/8'

Originally Posted by HisnameisBob

I used to masturbate about 2-3 times a day before 1/17/07, and after PE I’ve cut down to 2-3 times a week, maybe this has something to do with this?

Going from 14 - 21 ejaculations a week down to 2 - 3 ejaculations a week is almost certainly going to cause the additional sensitivity you describe and the resultant premature ejaculation.

Maybe I should go to about 5 times a week or a little more before going as low as 2-3.

Started PE 1/17/07 Newbie Routine: BPEL: 4 7/8' EG: 5 3/8'

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