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ACHIEVED multiple orgasm

ACHIEVED multiple orgasm

So I have been able to stop my orgasm by squeezing my PC muscle, however, I lose my erection rightwafter as if I just had a regular orgasm, and I usually recover after 30minutes or so.. Is there any way to not lose the erection after I hold off my orgasm? I keep hearing people being able to keep going once they hold off their orgasm, but for me it seems like my dick is just totally pooped afterwards.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Are you sure you achieved multiple orgasm? Or did you just have a dry orgasm? I have had both, and I stay hard if I achieve multiple orgasms.

Originally Posted by Glober
So I have been able to stop my orgasm by squeezing my PC muscle, however, I lose my erection rightwafter as if I just had a regular orgasm, and I usually recover after 30minutes or so.. Is there any way to not lose the erection after I hold off my orgasm? I keep hearing people being able to keep going once they hold off their orgasm, but for me it seems like my dick is just totally pooped afterwards.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

There a number of books on the male multiple orgasm. You can do search, here or via Google, or on Amazon.

The Multi-Orgasmic Man is one such book. If you search on Amazon, other titles with that or a similar theme will come up .

It sounds as though you are on the right track all on your own, so be encouraged. Kegels, by themselves, when done in the midst of sex seem to have variable effects, depending on the individual. I use Kegels and Reverse Kegels in combo to maintain ejaculatory control, and this has led to multiple orgasms fairly reliably for me.

I personally like the The Multi-Orgasmic Man; though some may find the visualization and ‘energy work’ a little woo-woo, I think it helps.

It’s totally worth the effort. :up:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

If you lost your erection (and maybe your libido, you don’t mention that), it’s likely that your ejaculation went retrograde; that is, backward into your bladder.

The trick is to keep the fluid from going anywhere, but having the benefit of the orgasm.



Congratulations my friend!

I would look at this as a victory and simply work on the fine tuning.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Likely a retrograde ejaculation.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Yeah now that you mention it, I’m sure I had a retrograde ejaculation.. But how do people have a dry or multiple orgasm? I can already kegel to stop from ejaculating.. But how do I keep it from going anywhere? I’m puzzled

I’m mystified as well. I can hold the ejaculation by holding the PC muscle on the PONR, but then, even though I keep my erection, I’m just way too sensitive on the glans to continue any further.
Ps: I do get an orgasm while holding the PC

In other words, help us out xD


Originally Posted by Perplexx
I’m mystified as well. I can hold the ejaculation by holding the PC muscle on the PONR, but then, even though I keep my erection, I’m just way too sensitive on the glans to continue any further.
Ps: I do get an orgasm while holding the PC

In other words, help us out xD


Don’t stimulate the glans or the frenulum when you are just starting out. These are trigger zones and will cause you to ejaculate to soon.
I have the feeling your not releasing the PC kegel and that may be why the erection is failing.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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