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Anyone has like a lump or cyst type thing on their balls

Anyone has like a lump or cyst type thing on their balls

I just noticed like this lump and was like ‘Oh shit’ so felt it a bit more. It’s pretty hard but right under the skins surface. So from what I quickly read testicular cancer is right attached to the bulk of the ball, not under the surface of skin. So had a mini scare for a minute their.

So after that I squeezed it hard which caused very tiny bit of liquid type water came out. But the hardness less than a pea sized lump is still their. It felt a little sore before hand. I am very sure it’s a spot or something. But this is the first time in my life I’ve had something like that just randomly occur on my scrotum.

Sounds like acne, or some form of skin blemish. None the less, You should have a doctor look at it.

Yeah. Its your balls, you don’t have many to mess around with. Besides, if you’re a straight guy, it could be a unique experience to have some crusty old doctor guy feeling up your junk. True story, when I was in the Navy for a physical one year the doctor was sitting on a stool rolling his nuts around in his hand for a good while, then asked me if it felt normal. I broke out laughing and said no, he turned bright red and dropped my balls like they were on fire. Didn’t occur to me for a long time after but I probably missed my chance at a doctor/patient fantasy right there.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

I had a similar scare a few months ago when my wife found a lump on one of my balls. Of course, she found it on a Friday night, so I had all weekend to freak out before I see the doctor. A few days, a doctor visit and an testicular ultrasound later, and it turned out to just be a benign cyst. It’s since gone away on its own but it was a rough few days until I got the test results back. Anyhow, testicular cancer would be on the testicle itself, so it sounds like you’re in the clear. It’s almost certainly just a scrotal cyst but, if you don’t think it’s a pimple and it doesn’t clear up quickly, you should err on the side of caution and have your doc take a look.

Starting (May 2010): BPEL:6" EG: 4 7/8". Current (April 2011): BPEL: 6 3/4" EG: 5 1/4".

Short Term Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.25" Long Term Goal: When my wife makes me stop or 8"x6" (whichever comes first)

If you would be so unlucky to get it you will know it when you feel it, its quite hard, and the testicle that has the cancer will start hanging lower than before because of the added weight,
also always look for lumpy/ bulky patterns on your scrotum like something sticking out inside the skin, hehe sorry if the last part there got a bit blurry but trust me you will know it if you ( god forbid ;) ) get it.
Best time to check, which we all should do just like women regarding breast cancer, is when you are in the shower or taking a bath as you will fell everything in the scrotum so much better.

So rule of the day; Check ya nads lads! :D

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
If you would be so unlucky to get it you will know it when you feel it, its quite hard, and the testicle that has the cancer will start hanging lower than before because of the added weight,

I think that this would only be the case with a pretty large and advanced tumor. Early on, testicular tumors will be so small that the added weight would be negligable.

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Best time to check, which we all should do just like women regarding breast cancer, is when you are in the shower or taking a bath as you will fell everything in the scrotum so much better.

So rule of the day; Check ya nads lads! :D

Good advice! A healthy ball is a happy ball :)

Starting (May 2010): BPEL:6" EG: 4 7/8". Current (April 2011): BPEL: 6 3/4" EG: 5 1/4".

Short Term Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.25" Long Term Goal: When my wife makes me stop or 8"x6" (whichever comes first)

No you will feel it and see it I did, even had to get the doctor to check twice because first he said it was the bi-testicle( a smaller pert of the testicle) but I knew it was there and second time around, he felt it and it was taken so early I didn’t even have to take chemo just had to go to regular check ups for 5 years straight.

So, yeah you most definitely will notice even small, small changes on your nads. ;)

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
No you will feel it and see it I did, even had to get the doctor to check twice because first he said it was the bi-testicle( a smaller pert of the testicle) but I knew it was there and second time around, he felt it and it was taken so early I didn’t even have to take chemo just had to go to regular check ups for 5 years straight.

So, yeah you most definitely will notice even small, small changes on your nads. ;)

Glad that you caught it early enough to avoid chemo. And, I know what you mean: the cyst I find on my nut was tiny (smaller than a grain of rice) any my doctor couldn’t find it the first time around — I had to actually guide her finger onto the spot for her to feel it. But, like you said, you will notice small changes on your nads and I could find it in a split second. It’s scary stuff. Fortunately, if you get treatment, survival rates with testicular cancer are on the order of 99%.

Starting (May 2010): BPEL:6" EG: 4 7/8". Current (April 2011): BPEL: 6 3/4" EG: 5 1/4".

Short Term Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.25" Long Term Goal: When my wife makes me stop or 8"x6" (whichever comes first)

Do you ahve you balls, It might be an ingrown hair. If you are not sure, have doctor check it out.

Originally Posted by roosterstretch
Glad that you caught it early enough to avoid chemo. And, I know what you mean: the cyst I find on my nut was tiny (smaller than a grain of rice) any my doctor couldn’t find it the first time around — I had to actually guide her finger onto the spot for her to feel it. But, like you said, you will notice small changes on your nads and I could find it in a split second. It’s scary stuff. Fortunately, if you get treatment, survival rates with testicular cancer are on the order of 99%.

Thanks man and likewise, good you took charge there as well guiding her to the fucker.
Really good treatment nowadays that’s for sure.

I have a lump on my left testicle. The Dr. Says it’s a cyst. I had 3 different opinions over 10 year time period.

Your cyst spot lasted for over 10 years?? I don’t get that. How could it last so long.

Mine still hasn’t gone and it’s now been 11 days with no change to it really. If I squeeze it hard enough blood will come out, first bit looked a little orangey so something else was in it. But it was really hard to squeeze out plus the lump size still remains.

I can’t see any hair about the area. I tried plucking whatever hair was there away. It’s annoying. I just want it gone already especially before my holiday.. Ah well going to get injections this coming monday anyway so might pluck up the courage to ask then.

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