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Anything to fix Tight Foreskin?

Anything to fix Tight Foreskin?

Is there anything to do that would fix tight foreskin? I haven’t started any PE journey yet and not sure if I should because of this among other reasons. Personally think I was circumcised wrong that resulted in my foreskin more tight and stunted my penile growth during puberty.

Is there any ways to fix this?
(Really wanted to post this in the Injuries and Treatments but new members apparently can’t so.)

I don’t have any answers for you, but I typed “tight foreskin” into the search function. There were quite a few threads about it. You should read a few. I’m sure you will find them very helpful.

Did they just clip the tip of the foreskin off and leave the majority of it? That’s a thing, but not often seen in Western countries.

There are guys with phimosis - that’s when the foreskin is so tight it can’t be fully retracted, and sometimes so tight it impedes urination. They have developed stretching techniques to loosen the skin.

Chances are that unless you can’t get fully erect without pain, the tight foreskin didn’t hurt your development any.

I think he may be talking about a really tight circumcision that didn’t leave enough skin to allow him to get fully erect without it pulling and limiting his fully erect size/shape.

If that’s the case, your best bet is to look up foreskin restoration. That may help regrow some shaft skin.

I had a tight foreskin, both the opening, as well as a short frenulum.

I stretched the opening throughout my childhood, first by pulling the foreskin back and holding it in a stretched state, then eventually when I could get 2 fingers in the opening I started prying it open, little by little.

Later, in my teens, I tried over years to stretch my frenulum, but never sufficiently to fully stretch out the foreskin, so wearing condoms was painful and uncomfortable because the foreskin would bunch up behind my glans.
Eventually I had a urologist perform a “frenulum release” or “frenulum tying”, which severed the frenulum and totally freed my foreskin. I made a thread about it about 15 or so years ago in this forum.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

I have been a long time lurker and have always been meaning to post about this but have never felt motivated. Seeing the lack of useful response here I finally feel motivated knowing I can help at least one person. I was never circumcised but I did have bad scar tissue there due to excessive masturbation at a young age. Regardless think the same concepts will at the very least improve your skin and make it more comfortable.

Red light therapy is a game changer. Helped make my scar tissue way more pliable and reduced redness. It also increased sensitivity and believe it or not (and I know this isn’t believable but a person on a different forum making this claim motivated me to try red light therapy) lengthened my frenulum when done in combination with stretching. I also used bio oil creme which is known for healing bad scar tissue and is often used by pregnant women for their scar tissue.

The first two things together should be enough however if you want to go further and generally improve your penis health vacuum pumping really lets you stretch all of the skin at once just be careful and do your research first. Look up vacuum pumping foreskin restoration for more info. I sincerely hope anything I suggested can help you my foreskin made me feel less confident and less comfortable in bed. Also obviously get surgery if you need it but try non surgical options first cause I thought I would need surgery but I have never been happier with my dick than I am now and I’m super thankful I found a way to avoid surgery.


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