Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Baldness Drug Risks Men's Sexual Health...


Guys who are using or consider using drugs like propecia/finasteride should type “post finasteride syndrome” in google and then hopefully run away from such poison.

The shady thing about that drug is the sexual side effects number they list is from a study run on guys over 60 years old, not surprising they wouldn’t notice much by way of sexual sides.

The longer you take a drug the greater chance of developing side effects.

Originally Posted by MadGirth
I’d like to clarify on my previous post, as I had quickly posted from my phone, and then it was too late to edit it when I got busy at work.

When I say I can ejaculate up to three times, I suppose the first two are not “true” full ejaculations. I try to stop myself from ejaculating as I get to the point of no return, and am unable to stop. I cum a little bit, but surprisingly to me, I can continue, repeat, and finally on the third time explode fully. The first two feel great, and the third feels phenomenal, like a full blown ejaculation, because it is. I hope I’m on my way to being able to control my orgasms more! Not only do I PE (almost 4 months now), but I eat very healthy, drink a lot of water, and I lift weights and do moderate amounts of cardio. It also doesn’t hurt that I’m very attracted to my girlfriend. :-)

How is the Propecia/Finasteride working with your hair?

Took finasteride pills for about 4 months ten years ago. Quit taking ‘em because of decreased sex interest an a ED. I NEVER has the same performance after that. In the following years I learned to exercise more, to get in touch with my body and mind, but finasteride was a binary factor in my sex life: before it I was 120% capable of getting erections whenever I wanted (or even not wanted). After that I gotta say I failled sometimes, even with incredibly hot women a few times.

Started: ~5.9 BPEL x ~4.72EG (November 2014)

Current: ~6.82 BPEL x ~5.7EG (February 2019)

Goal: 8 NBPEL x 6.5EG


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