Ok, i want to ask an opinion.
It will be a strange post I know!
I have never taken sun…too much
I think it is bad for my skin
(i am a white guy)
so I have try ed to avoid the more possible.
Ok, 10 minutes is ok for me.
But stop like that. ah ah ah
The best is that now my face is like
i have when i was a boy…
everybody say I look very young
(I am 40; look like 30)
Anyway what I complain is that the boner
of my body seems a little…thin.
Ok I am very muscular…
but I have thin boners, so i don’t look
soooooooo massive…. like i could.
I believe this is in part due to my
approach with sun exposition
(loss of it)
You think is possible?
Or is only a genetic costitution?
Thanks for an opinion.
I was thinking to change my habits
and take lot of sun (using filter anyway)
Or maybe is too late to change my
body constitution?
Which approach you have with sun,
sun exposition, uva rays, and so on?
You stay a lot at the sun?
Artificial light (uva uvb beds)? It’s bad, I believe.
Better natural light, no?
Now I go a little out topic.
But….i talk about sun, in some way…..
I am a white guy, but i love black people.
Especially black women, physically,
i find them the most attractive in the world.
Now I was thinking…the black race
is so beauty and massive ( i mean also the
women have a good strong constitution)
because…they take a lot of sun in africa?
What you think about.?
I know that sun help to calcificate calcium
in the body, so can be this the reason?
Ok, even if now they don’t take and live
somewhere in the world, is a genetic patrimony
i believe. It’s a strong race, IMO.
I am thinking, also sexually, sun has an
influence for develop the body organs?
True or not?
I know is not a legend, that black man,
can be more massive than white, for example.
Not all are more big, of course.
But some of them are …massive and sexually
very developed.
I don’t think is caused by alimentation, of course!
Europeans, americans and so on have the possibility
to eat much much better, if they want.
So is a genetic thing. Sun and other (natural
selection) can be the cause?
I have a girl friend of mine who told me
she was making sex with a black guy, one day.
It was the first time for her with a black guy.
She says she was very shocked.
It’s measure was even too much for her
(don’t know how much…I believe 9 or like that)
but the fact is that he was doing love for
2 hours with her, she could not go on anymore!
She was sore!!!
Ok, I think also we at thunder, we are
great sex machine… ah ah ah
No problem at all!!!!
ok, I close here.
What is your opinion on my crazy post?
ah ah ah ah