Hey BeloAvg,
That is definitely a tough one. I feel badly for both you and your ex-girlfriend. I am sure that she is very sorry for what she did, but unfortunately that does nothing to change it.
The issue of penis size is definitely growing into the mainstream media as well. I was watching a new movie called “Anger Management.” There was an ongoing joke throughout the movie that the main character’s girlfriend’s ex was hugely endowed. He saw him at a urinal and it kinda freakied him out. He then found out, from his girlfriend, that she never saw it — likely story. Eventually he hooks up with two women on a date just to make his girl jealous. During one scene he asks them if size really matters, or if it’s just a male insecurity thing. The girl who answers say that they think differently on the issue. Then the other girl chimes in and says, “yes, I like them big, she likes them enormous!”
As I watched this with my girlfriend I began to feel sick to my stomach. It is a huge issue for me and she knows it. She says that I am “normal” and she sees no reason why it would bother me, but that doesn’t help. She also said that she was with one other guy who was “not much bigger than you.” Oh yeah, and,” it hurt.” Yeah, it doesn’t add up, but I know I can not blame her for past experience. The real problem is that she is getting tired of the issue and does not offer any “mollycoddling” to make me feel better about it. I hate being small. I hate having the issue thrown into my face. I would like nothing better than to get rid of this issue for good, but it’s been with me ever since I was a teen … that was 15 years ago. I thought that building a bigger dick would be my road to freeing myself from my self-imposed torture, but after almost three years of PE, I am still “below average.”
I am sorry that I went a little off the subject here, but I just began typing from the heart. If anyone could offer BelowAvg and I some advice on how to conquer our insecurities, I am sure that we would both be grateful.