Thunder's Place

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Caffeine and unit/PE size

Coffee must be first n foremost, well, and southern style iced tea during the summer months. I have made changes, “order coffee with less acidity”, such as Mocha Java/Indonesian mostly.

I do realize the smokes/cigs are certainly not good and will soon begin plans to do something about that.

While on the subject of vasoconstrictors, I had a couple of weeks using Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) for a cold and congestion in the head. It totally destroyed my pe exercises. I couldn’t get the unit to loosen up, and after jelqing it was still tight. Two days after finishing with the pseudo, it was ok again. I assume it was the drug, but guess the virus may have played a part.

Originally Posted by Braingasm
While on the subject of vasoconstrictors, I had a couple of weeks using Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) for a cold and congestion in the head. It totally destroyed my pe exercises. I couldn’t get the unit to loosen up, and after jelqing it was still tight. Two days after finishing with the pseudo, it was ok again. I assume it was the drug, but guess the virus may have played a part.

Wow, that’s tragic, the good thing about it is that it wore off and you returned to normal.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Id say the health benefits of drinking tea (lower chance of cancer, heart disease and stroke, as well as de-toxifieing the body) out-way the tiny if any impediments for PE gains.though maybe it’s just because I’m British and won’t let go lol.

I’m a tea drinker myself.

But because I have high blood pressure I think I will switch to decaf.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

This small thread:

I admit, some thing aren’t healthy. But, what is life without a few small pleasures.

Geez, it took me 30+ years to quit drinking myself to death. I still smoke, cutting back. I still drink my coffee which I love. Some things aren’t to easily given up. I’m taking measures to assure a better health pattern. Coffee is good! Drink coffee! ole!

Braindrain, I got my brain back and it looks dehydrated, did you drain it of it’s vital life force?

Oh about help me out. Try ginkgo biloba, garlic pills.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I don’t understand how people drink coffee, it tastes so bad. I have had maybe 2 cups my whole life

I see your from Florida. What do you drink vanish?

Yes Caffeine,ephedrine,psedoephedrine,ephedra(Ma Huang) and all Srri’s have vasoconstrictive properties. Tyrosine,choline and Lecithin are great for energy as well as PE :D

For energy, try what KP suggest’s. Coffee, its all good. Ephedra etc, ,, should that even be catogerized in the same? geez

There both Xanthines, I read somewhere that ephedra can shrink your penis. I think decaf tea and coffee is fine. Keep in mind just about e verything has a little caffeine.

If you want good erections and lower your blood pressure take odorless garlic pills and Cool Cayenne. Cool Cayenne does not irritate the stomach.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

the doctor suggest: a bit or more of coffee is fine. But if your a tight ass whatever, dont drinkl it..and I’m checking out the garlic/hot pepper ….probably good for the urinary tract.

Originally Posted by webslave
The doctor suggest: a bit or more of coffee is fine. But if your a tight ass whatever, don’t drinkl it.and I’m checking out the garlic/hot pepper .probably good for the urinary tract.

Garlic has some anti-viral ant-bacteria properties. For a UTI drink cranberry juice, or eat cranraisins.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I think that excess caffeine would probably be bad , but if your working in a night shift or something , it’s better to drink it then be tired and washed out which has stronger negative effects.

Also I heard it’s a good idea to “cycle” it.
To keep yourself sensitive to it.

As much as flaccid size goes , it think it can temporarily reduce bloodstream to the penis as it works by taking all the blood from the peripheral areas \ organs and “activating” the CNS (nervous system) muscles.
So it might hinder gains because your dick doesn’t metabolize that well , although if you don’t notice immediate changes (when it takes effect o your body) , it won’t do anything.


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