Originally Posted by Fantom
Being black is higher risk in part because that population has a higher percentage of intravenous drug users and people who have sex with them. There are other factors wrapped up in this, only some of which might be biological and related to a genetic immunological disadvantage or predisposition. There’s the higher incarceration rate (which is a vector for both gay sex and intravenous drug use) as well as sexual behaviors such as promiscuity, use of condoms, and interaction with the sex industry (either as patron or provider). Race is indeed a touchy subject, but we can’t ignore trends in public health simply because they have a racial factor.
However, if you want to serve the public, you have to protect the public. I think the frailty and vulnerability of the public blood supply, due to political "squeamishness", should be a compelling argument for private blood banks, that can impose all the exclusionary and "discriminatory" donation criteria that are deemed necessary in order to maintain a safe inventory of materials. Let a rational approach prevail. The last thing that should be a factor in public health is the possibility that someone might get their feelings hurt. Nobody who is thinking rationally about the issue of blood safety gives a shit who feels excluded ; they just want safe blood. That pretty much sums it up.
That being said, HIV is largely still a gay disease, and hence there is a valid reason for excluding MSM from blood donations. Why introduce an element of unnecessary risk, particularly when the percentage of the potential blood donor pool that is MSM is so small in the first place? If only 5-7% of the population is MSM, then it isn’t as though eliminating this portion is going to have a significantly detrimental impact on the quantity of blood available for donation.
Being black means you’re more likely to be an intravenous drug user, have sex with one, be in prison, have gay sex, be promiscuous, not use condoms, and have sex with or be a hooker?
Some of that may be true, most of it probably isn’t. If you watch the news, a lot of that behavior applies to rich, white congressmen, so I don’t think that stuff is exactly rare among whites.
HIV is largely a gay disease - by 3%. Like I said before, 53% of new infections are from gay sex, 31% are from heterosexual sex, and 12% are from drug use. If it makes sense to screen for IV drug use, it makes sense to screen for unsafe heterosexual sex. Why do we screen for homosexuals and druggies but not for straight sex? "Deviant" behaviors are seen as more dangerous, despite what the numbers show. I’m all for protecting public health. It shouldn’t be a popularity contest, though.
5-7% of the population are MSM? Where does that come from? The commonly accepted number is 10%. Lets say its actually 5%. But 10% of men who identify as straight also have sex with men. 10% of 95% is another 9.5%, so nearly 15% of men, gay, straight, or whatever, have sex with men. (http://www.psyc hologytoday.com … e-sex-other-men ) Eliminating 15% of the population for being MSM eliminates 53% of new HIV infections, eliminating 12% for being black would eliminate 46% of new infections.
Society is comfortable thinking HIV is a gay disease, because then it doesn’t affect them. It isn’t especially a gay disease. It used to be, but that outdated idea is the reason its spreading though straight communities so easily. Remember when virtually all victims of AIDS were gay? Now half are.
Public health officials have to decide what the standard of safety is for blood donation. I don’t think the standards are actually based on safety though, I think it has more to do with the public’s level of comfort.