If Cialis works similar to Arginine there may be a connection, but it would only be for people who have it dormant down there I would assume.
For example, when I was younger, i used to get an annoying cold sore on my lip once a month or month and a half. And for those of you that ever get those you know it’s two weeks before it’s fully gone so it sucks pretty bad.
Here’s the thing, I didn’t have genital herpes on my lip or anything, I’m just one of the 75% of people that have that strain of the herpes simplex virus in my system, some people will get them on their lips, some won’t.
I have only had one in the past 3 years, and this is because I started supplementing with L-Lysine, which is better for the body if you have that. The only time I got a cold sore was when I tried Arginine, and I promptly stopped when I realized the connection.
In the OP’s case, you might have genital herpes dormant in your system, and the Cialis brings it out. Definitely ask your pharmacist.