Thunder's Place

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Cialis Vs Viagra


There is this drug in development I have heard about. It is made by palatin technologies. It appears to treat both male and female sexual dysfunction by acting on the nervous system. In short, from what I can tell its mode of action is to make you more horny. It doesn’t effect your vascular system at all.

http://216.185. 136.16/main.asp … on=5%2E2A&nav=5

Click around on the other links on their site to find out more about it. Could be a remarkable drug.

What do any doctors think about it? How many drugs make it past phase 2 trials then get killed in the phase 3 trials? How long till a drug in this stage could come to market?

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Now this is what I call exciting!

http://www.pt14 … com/pt-141.html

I’d still like to hear what some docs have to say and about the odds it gets through.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Originally posted by Tube

I'd still like to hear what some docs have to say and about the odds it gets through.

I’m not a doctor, but it took about 5 years for Cialis to go from the lab stage to human trials then approval for sales in the Euro nations, and finally for sale in the US by the FDA.

The field trials are highly important for revealing patterns of unwanted side effects. Getting through all three phases takes a good deal of time; meanwhile everybody has to share the data accumulated in each phase, and discuss it. In cases of potentially life-saving drugs in cancer or AIDS treatment, etc., which show very good field results, the bureaucratic stuff is often cast aside and the drug made available for patients in need.



are you using generic or brand?

I do not have ED, but I like viagra occasionally because I am able to control my orgasm better. I can go longer, in other words. I have read that this is common with viagra. Does Cialis have this same effect? What about Levitra (which nobody seems to be talking about)?

I can take 25 mg of Viagra, and have great sex for as long as I want (almost), and then in the morning it is definitely still working. It lasts at least 12 hours for me.

I have used V, C, and L, The C, does provide some erections, but it does not last any longer than 4 hours, and it does not give the hardness that V does. I found that out the three, 100mgs of V provides me better, harder, and longer lasting erections than either L, or C. I also notice that I shoot a much bigger load with V, and shoot hardly any withC, or L.

I discovered, through Peforeal, that 25 mg. of V works as well as 100 mg. My urologist said to cut them in half and use 50 mg. But 25 mg. works just fine. In the morning if I crush the pill, I’m 100% erect within 20 minutes. The recovery period is fast as well. I can keep going for many an hour.

I have been using them before PE as well. They give me a solid erection if I need one, and a full flaccid for half a day. I also feel their effects the next morning. C did not give me the same effect, for whatever reason.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by petersellers
I have used V, C, and L, The C, does provide some erections, but it does not last any longer than 4 hours, and it does not give the hardness that V does. I found that out the three, 100mgs of V provides me better, harder, and longer lasting erections than either L, or C. I also notice that I shoot a much bigger load with V, and shoot hardly any withC, or L.

All these drugs work differently in different men. I cannot tolerate L, for example - massive heart burn - whereas many guys do not experience that at all on it.

Stay with what works. If one doesn’t work well for you, though, try the others and see where you get.



I do not have ED, but just for kicks I got my hands on 20mg of C and couldn’t PE for 4 days. I am not kidding. Mrs RBM could only laugh & say that it served me right. I served her right, too. :)


I have tried Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. I recently changed doctors and he recommended Levitra because it only persists in your system only for about 24 hours. All of these drugs interfere with the treatment that you are given if you have a heart attack. I am 63 and I don’t intend to have a heart attack, but you never know do you.

I started with Viagra. I found this made it seem extremely bright when I was outside in the daytime: it sometimes gave me a headache - it seemed that my brain had an erection too; it didn’t work too well if I had drunk alchohol or had eaten too much food or was tired, or all three. Also I always bought the largest dose tablets and cut them in half, which saves you money.

Ok Now Cialis was great. I think I took half a 20mg tablet. Again it didn’t work too well if I was tired. However it was really good and I got erections of good quality for several days afterwards. So good value there.

Levitra is good too. Similar in effect to Cialis but only lasts for maybe 24 hours. I can get by on half a 20mg tablet.

Did you guys get your generics or whatnot all off the web? Or is there a place that you guys bought it from locally? If so, please inform me, as I thought that you couldn’t/shouldn’t get it from a pharmacy, due to prescription. Unless I can just get a test sample off the doctor?


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