Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Blood pressure is healthy. Last time I checked was 113/75, I recall. With 68bpm

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 02-21-2008 at . Reason: replaced the extra . with a 'y'

Try some ballooning.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I’ve done coke a bit, but never on a regular basis like you, just a night here or there. But I haven’t touched and drugs or smoke for over a year now, and I’m doing great. Good erections, and great sex drive. I exercise 5-6 times a week. Maybe your erection levels are to do with something other then coke.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

From my understanding, you’re body’s green light to start PEing is when it gets hard in the morning. If there’s no morning wood, it needs more recovery time. I think thats what the problem is because I been having sex almost every day since then. And I noticed that theres no morning wood, and I lack energy. The notpepsi made it exhausted more than it’s natural limit

Been through what? Notpepsi or drug addiction? Both.

Get to see it everyday. Detroit’s full of crack heads, and crack whores too.
Remind me to tell you about my buddy who’s heart exploded like a bomb while snorting the notpepsi.
You always hear about, we got to see it.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

You people really think nonpepsi fcuks u up bad? I’ve been starting too take it a bit recently it makes me feel kinda calm and relaxed and I haven’t noticed feeling any worse for it. Not that I feel great or did beforehand but only an occasional user.

Originally Posted by kingdong69
You people really think nonpepsi fcuks u up bad? I’ve been starting too take it a bit recently it makes me feel kinda calm and relaxed and I haven’t noticed feeling any worse for it. Not that I feel great or did beforehand but only an occasional user.

I feel, notpepsi brings about different reaction to different individual.

Some can just take it for fun without any kind of addiction, others become plain junkies.

Also, continuous use of cocaine will fuck anybody’s system in the long run.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Last edited by padawan : 02-20-2008 at . Reason: Poor grammar.

I haven’t done any significant drugs since I was 17 but a bunch of my friends got in to coke in their early 20s. It’s not for nothing that cokeheads always pop a viagra at the end of the night.

Coke is a vasoconstrictor. You probably noticed that your package shrunk while on coke? That’s because blood vessels shrink and less blood comes into your penis. The advice that has been given to you by the other guys is great. I would add don’t consume any caffeine until it gets better.

Originally Posted by padawan
I feel, notpepsi brings about different reaction to different individual.

Yeah its funny cause I dunno how much cocaine acts like high dose caffeine. But these two substances at the right dosages make me feel ‘normal’ and kinda happy/relaxed. Not high or hyper. I wonder what it does that makes me feel normal and if there is a better alternate? mmmmm. I was thinking increases in Dopamine. But when I took dopamine supplements I felt crazy and hyper so??? I’m going to investigate this.

Actually, there is a tiny chance that one can be a recreational user with little to no addiction at all. Of course one’s genes say a lot about this and well one doesn’t know till it is too late really. I wouldn’t chance it though, too risky for too little reward.

PCP if taken in small doses acts as a stimulant like NOTPEPSI. But if taken in higher dosages, well you know. Sometimes people on PCP get crazy and eat people, though it is rare.
Phencyclidine - Wikipedia
Big Lurch - Wikipedia

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

That’s coke dick my friend. It doesn’t get as hard and your libido goes down considerably. The problem is that cocaine fucks with your seratonin and dopamine levels. My friend’s dad is a neurologist and said that coke can really mess with one’s sex life: apparently the same part of your brain that is stimulated during an orgasm is stimulated during a coke high. I’ve done a lot of stupid drugs in my days, but I bounced back healthier than ever. Stay with the healthy lifestyle bro. It is one you will never regret.

As far as your problems are concerned, just relax and keep living right. Do kegels and stay hydrated. Everything will come back better than ever.

Thank alot

Kingdong, the next time you do a line or two, feel your heart with your hand over your chest - dollars to donuts says it’s beating like you ran up 15 flights of stairs… the stuff is gross.

Any drug that can kill you with one night of usage, is a drug you should probably avoid.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Kingdong, the next time you do a line or two, feel your heart with your hand over your chest - dollars to donuts says it’s beating like you ran up 15 flights of stairs… the stuff is gross.

Any drug that can kill you with one night of usage, is a drug you should probably avoid.

Yeah it does but also same when I take a few blows of marijuana if I aint smoking frequently. But its cool I don’t really enjoy it just good to relax so don’t ever buy it just if a mate has I may have a line or two. I prefer MDMA but I never really take any drugs often.

Not to derail this thread or whatever, but, does anyone know the effects of marijuana on ones libido? Not that I am an avid user; it’s just that my friends are and every once in a while they convince me to join them and I’m wondering to what extent it affects me.

I know smoking (ciggaretes) can be very negative with ones libido and sex life, but this is at most once or twice a month. From my point of view, things have been pretty consistent and I can’t really feel a difference at all with my EQ.

Just wondering.


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