You’ve scared me enough—I don’t think I’m going to use coconut oil on my rash at this point—doesn’t seem wise!
I’ll probably just use the coconut oil as a moisturizer or for cooking. Coconut cream pie anyone?
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
8-1-14 BPEL 7.48 inches EGMS 4.88 inches EGBase 5.35 Inches
Initial goal--7.75 X 5.25 Mid Shaft
11-3-14 BPEL 7.48 inches, EGMS 5.04 inches, EGBase 5.43 Inches...
08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p
08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p
08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p
Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"
Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"
Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.
08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p
08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p