Thunder's Place

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Color of your cum???

A good GP should be able to handle it. There are many interpretations to the resulting numbers. What one physician sees as “normal” another might interpret as low or “low normal.” Same with the higher numbers. Endocrinologists are best at this but you may not need to go to that level. If your GP seems to know a good deal about sex, he probably has some knowledge about hormone levels.

I don’t have at hand this red-hot minute the entire list of hormonal values you should have checked but if you PM me, I’ll look it up for you.



Mine has always been white.
Well, the two components vary in their mixture - sometimes it’s clear with white streaks, other times it’s like a murky pearly colour (but not enough whiteness in the clearness to be considered white I guess)

Never yellow or any other colour for that matter. Especially not green.

No. You sure don’t want green, Sec!



Mattlapp started a thread about a condition called varicocele. I have this in both testicles, quite badly in the left, but I was under the impression that it does not cause impotence. I’ve been to a urologist about it, and he did ask me if I was impotent but, embarrassed, I told him that it wasn’t something I experienced. My varicoceles became noticable when I was about 15 years old and, now that I think about it, that’s about the same time I noticed a reduction in the strength of my erections.

My doctor told me that I may have caused myself to have this condition by masturbationg too vigourously (I was very rought with myself), and he may be right. When I was 16 the time came for me to lose my virginity. I was aroused but, much to my horror, I couldn’t get an erection. We tried and did something resembling sex, but the whole thing was a disaster. I dated that girl for almost two years; over the course of those two years I noticed that I lost interest in sex.

The point? I’m thinking that maybe my impotence is related to my varicoceles, and my lack of interest in sex is my way of avoiding the sense of failure and unmanliness in the bedroom. I think I’ll talk to a urologist about this and see if anything can be done before I have my hormone levels tested (unless the doctor wants to do it anyway, I’ll toss the idea into the air with him).

This idea came to me because I did a search on google after reading Mattlapp’s post and read that varicoceles can cause impotence. I hadn’t known this before. I’m hoping that I’ve stumbled upon something that can help me. Being impotent from the very first sexual attempt can do bad things to your self-esteem. But I refuse to give up hope. :o )

I may have it my whole life, but I’ll always hope and try to find ways to make it better.

::tosses ten bucks into the doctor-visit fund::

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Defranca: 10g of lecithin is a lot! Are you taking capsules or powder?

I’ve read this thread now and then, but never paid much attention to it until today. I’ve been taking a few “men’s” supplements based on some articles I read. I don’t take huge amounts, just one capsule per day of vitex agnus castus and maca root extract. I had been using GNC’s “Herbal Plus” brand of both and had not noticed much color change in my ejaculate. Oh, it would occasionally be a little tan, but nothing startling.

About a month ago the GNC store switched to “Nature’s Way” brand Vitex. I didn’t pay much attention to the bottle until last night when my cum was red! It had been getting slightly pink in the past few weeks, but last night it was red. It was not hemoglobin red like I was bleeding, but a magenta shaded red. I looked at the bottle of vitex this morning and in small type under the name is says “fruit”. As in “vitex fruit” and below that “traditional herbal supplement for women.”

I’m pretty sure the vitex I was taking before was a bark extract and not fruit. Does it seem logical that an herbal compound of the fruit of this plant would color my cum red when the bark extract only made it slightly tan? I’m going off the vitex for a week or so to see if it clears up.

(BTW, I have no pain or other indications that the color is from blood.)

Originally Posted by westla90069
…As in “vitex fruit” and below that “traditional herbal supplement for women.”

It’s just menstruation starting. Nothing to worry about.

Whether fruit or bark extract, it seems unlikely to me that the vitex would cause such a dramatic color change. When you consider all the many dyed and sometimes violently-colored foods we ingest, they don’t show up in our seminal fluid.

I’ll grant you that magenta isn’t the normal color of blood products but my bet is that you created a small tear in your seminal vessicles since they provide most of the fluid volume. If so, a tear will heal.

But if you’ve quit the vitex and everything returns to normal, you won’t know which it was unless you start the vitex again.

If you want more fluid volume, btw, L-arginine is the best.



Thanks for your reply. I have, in fact, started taking L-arginine today. I had some around the house, but found it difficult remembering to take throughout the day. I’m starting with 1 gram and may work up to three. I’m also going back to the GNC to see if they have the other brand of vitex again.

I’m almost always white unless I e-stim. Then, the volume builds up so much before I cum it is almost clear. Probably results from the production of a lot of pre-cum.

Well, I have been searching about maca, to see how it has affected you guys, and I ordered some from this website. If anyone else is looking for some maca, it seems to be a good website to buy it from. http://www.byth … elling/maca.htm

I’ve tried L-arginine with maca; maca alone, L-a alone. It’s L-a that gives the most seminal fluid volume for me. Maca though seems to increase the hardness and duration of erections. That’s not a bad thing, either.



A little update about my pink semen. I’ve stopped the vitex, but doubt it was the problem. It’s probably blood, but I can’t figure out where it’s coming from or why. I’ve been on low dose l-arginine and 2/3 recommended dose of NoX2 (4 tabs/day) for about 10 days and my ejaculate volume has increased some. This has thinned out the color so it’s no longer magenta, but it’s definitely still very pink. I have a urologist appointment on Wednesday.


Back in 1994, long before I’d ever heard of PE, I noticed that there was blood in my ejaculate, giving it a red tinge. I went to see a urologist who confirmed what I had read in the family health encyclopedia—I had a condition known as hematospermia (sp?). The condition is characterized by blood in the semen. After a year or so, the problem went away and I haven’t experienced it since.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."


J Meister’s experience sort of sums it up. Hematospermia is fairly common and seldom means something serious. A really strong ejaculation can tear a capillary in your prostate or s. vessicles and one can get some oozing from that, sometimes over a long period, red to brown.

But your magenta/pink loads are something else. I’ll be curious to know what the uro says. Sort of like pulling pink underwear out of the dryer when you go off to college, learning to do your own laundry.



It’s always a shock when I see it. You’re expecting white, or at the least, yellow. Pink or red just takes all the fun out of the orgasm. :leftie:


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