Condoms for tree trunk / traffic cone penises?
My penis is 6-6.25” all the way at the base, and more like 5” or less at the tip. It progressively gets thinner from base to head, with about 5.25-5.4” around midshaft.
For the last few years I’ve been wearing Magnums because they can roll down further. It is a strange instance here where the regular condoms tend to slip off more easily than the Magnums because the regulars do not roll down as far.
Just thinking about it from a pure physics standpoint, a tree trunk dick is a lot more susceptible to “roll-offs” than a baseball bat or even-girth dick. This is unfortunate as I am constantly checking to make sure my condom is staying on during sex. Most of the time nothing happens, but sometimes it does begin to roll off. Especially if the girl is tight (the grip of her vagina on the base of my penis facilitates the “rolling off” process.
Does anyone in the same boat have any tips on what kinds of condoms work best? Should I get some kind of custom condom? It just seems like an unsolvable situation because if you go really tight at the base, it chokes off circulation and feels terrible at the head as well, but if you go too loose, then it is not secure enough. Thanks.